Monday, January 23, 2012

Omelas Seminar

Starter 13:

  1.  In your writing, what is the literary device that you think you are strongest in?  Think setting, tone, metaphor, simile, etc.  Write 1-2 sentences that shows your grasp of this device.
  2. In your writing, what literary device do you need to work most on?  Why is this device difficult for you?

Seminar Reflection, Part ONE
Begin writing a piece of short fiction that extends the story of Omelas.  You will have more time to work on this in class tomorrow.  Choose ONE of the options below.  This must be TYPED.

1.      Write the story from the perspective of one of the characters in Omelas
a.       Flute player
b.      Boy in basement
c.       One who walks away

2.      Write an alternate ending to the story, or a “what if” possibility.
a.       What if someone tried to rescue the child and failed/succeeded?
b.      What if someone who walked away came back?
c.       What if the child dies?  What happens then?

3.      Write about what happens to a person who walks away—extend the story beyond what LeGuin has shown us.

4.      Write a missing scene that’s set in the same world—show us something about this world that the author doesn’t.


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