Thursday, May 23, 2013

TPOL Reminders!!!

1. Professional Dress:  Please remember to dress professionally.  Gentlemen, that means slacks or chinos with a collared shirt and tie (jackets are optional).  NO sneakers!  Ladies, dresses or skirt/blouses, or dress pants are fine.  Please remember that what is appropriate for a dance is often not appropriate for a job interview!

2. Practice! Practice! Practice!  This weekend, please your time to practice your interview questions with you parents, your friends, your dog, your reflection in the mirror.  Use the QUESTION BANK to help you practice and prepare.

3. Concrete Examples and Evidence:  Remember that you need some type of concrete example or piece of evidence for every question.  Give us specifics and details.

4. When to be here:  You only need to be at school for your 15 minute time slot.  Please do not hang out at the school before or after your presentation!

You guys are going to be fantastic!  Can't wait to see you all in your interviews next week.  :)

TPOL Prep: Practice Makes Perfect!

  • Final Draft Cover Letters
  • DP link (emailed to Lori)
Questions and Evidence
  • 10 minutes to finish brainstorming questions and come up with evidence/examples for each question.
  • Get question bank on board
  • Get 1-2 volunteers to come up and answer 2 questions each
  • Whole class critique
Practice and Critique Questions
  • Start with gimme question, then ask 2-3 follow-up questions.  Should be at least one about cover letter/resume.
  • Give feedback, score on rubric
  • Groups of 4
Practice!  Practice!  Practice!  Use the QUESTION BANK to help you practice, but remember that we can ask you about anything on your cover letter and resume as well.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

TPOL Prep: Interview Practice

Gimme Question: Why are you ready for 11th grade?  EVERYONE will be asked this question!
  • 5 minutes: What would be the qualities of a good response to this question?  What do you think we're looking for in your responses to this question?
  • 10 minutes to prepare an answer (make sure you can give examples/evidence!)
  • Give response to table, table gives you verbal feedback on strengths and revisions
  • 5 minutes to revise answer
  • Speed dating format- practice 3 more times, no feedback

Watch Video 1 (Chris)
  1. List the questions the students were asked by the panel (during video)
  2. Were there patterns in the types of questions students were asked?  What were they?
  3. T-chart strengths and weaknesses
  4. Debrief as a class 

Anticipating Interview Questions
  1. Based on the job description, write 5 questions you anticipate. (in pairs)Think of these as more general questions.
  2. Based on your cover letter/resume, write 5 questions you anticipate.  Think of these as more personalized questions, specific to you.

For the questions you anticipated, write down the evidence/example you would use for each question.

Interview Practice
Give them your list of questions
Ask back and forth (they ask, then you ask)
Make sure to balance job description questions with cover letter/resume questions

Final Draft Cover Letter:  DUE start of class Thursday.  PRINT BEFORE CLASS!!!
Finish brainstorming evidence (if not done in class)
Humanities DP: DUE start of class, Thursday.  Email Lori the link before class!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

TPOL Prep: Cover Letter Critiques


  1. Videos are UP!  All of your spoken word and digital projects have been uploaded to YouTube.  They are titled AHS 2013- Your Poem Title.  Click on the link to check them out, embed them on your DP, etc.
  2. TAKE YOUR STUFF HOME!!!  Rugs, couches, stools, etc. must be gone by the end of the day on THURSDAY.
Cover Letter Critiques
  1. Descriptions: 1 sentence about what each paragraph is trying to do/communicate
  2. Find a TEA paragraph and highlight the T, E, and A in that paragraph
  3. Find a place in this letter where they are not selling themselves as well as they could be.  Explain how they could sell themselves better in this section.
  4. 2 things they could improve.  Mark with a check, explain HOW.
  5. 3 things they did well.  Mark with a star, explain.
  6. Give feedback verbally
Cover Letter Revisions
  1. Revise your cover letter.
  2. If you want, get another round of feedback from someone (you could even ask me!).
  3. Have someone proofread your final letter very carefully for spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.
  1. Get your DP completely updated.  Use the list I've given you to make sure everything is there!
  2. When you are CERTAIN that you have everything there, email the link to me at so I can check it.
  1. Revise and refine cover letter.  FINAL DRAFT DUE: Start of class, Thursday.  Must be printed.
  2. Finish Humanities DP.  LINK DUE: Start of class, Thursday.

Monday, May 20, 2013

TPOL Prep: Cover Letters

  1. Resume- Printed copy turned in to Lori.
  2. Poetry Growth Reflection- Email to
  3. Humanities DP- Email link to when complete.  Remember, I will only check it twice, so make sure it's complete!  DPs must be totally updated by the start of class on Thursday.
  1. Poetry books are here, and they look great!  Come get your copy!
  2. TAKE YOUR STUFF HOME.  If it's not gone by the end of the day on Thursday, it will be placed in the loving home of a faculty member.
Cover Letter Purpose:
  1. Show how you fit job qualifications
  2. Show employer you can write professionally and clearly
  3. Give employer context and evidence for some of the things you’ve listed on your resume
  4. Talk about things that don’t fit on your resume, but show you’re qualified for the job

Reverse Outline- Model Cover Letter
Use the cover letter linked above to complete this activity.
  1. Descriptions: 1 sentence about what each paragraph is trying to do/communicate
  2. Find a TEA paragraph and highlight the T, E, and A in that paragraph
  3. What do you notice about how this letter is written?  What about this letter do you want to emulate?  List at least 3 things.

Review as a class

Cover Letter Drafting Process
  1. Look at the 11th Grade Job Description
  2. Choose 3-4 of the qualifications from the job description you think you can best speak to, and provide evidence for.
  3. Choose 1-2 pieces of evidence for each qualification you chose.
  4. Write cover letter, using TEA paragraphs and following the guidelines

Finish rough draft of cover letter.  Bring printed copy to class tomorrow.
Finish DP

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Homework over Project Week

Hey all!  As I said on Friday, normally I would not be giving you homework over Osprey Week.  Unfortunately, given the timing of Exhibition and Osprey Week, I don't really have a choice!

All of assignments listed below are DUE the Monday you return from Osprey Week!

If you have any questions about these assignments, please email Lori to ask for clarification.  However, I would recommend not waiting until Sunday night to do this.  :)

1. Final Draft Resume:  Please have a printed copy of your final draft resume ready to give to Lori on Monday.  Proofread carefully, and make sure that your formatting is clear, and that each bullet point starts with an active verb!

2. Poetry Growth Reflection:  See the linked document for details.  This is a 4 paragraph piece of writing.  Please remember that this will account for 1/3 of your final grade for this project, so follow the directions closely and proofread carefully!  When you are finished, please email it to

3. Humanities DP Updating:  Again, see the linked document for details and instructions.  If you are missing photos or elements, get everything updated that you can, and then you can get any missing photos from Lori when you return on Monday.  I will be putting up videos of digital projects and spoken word performance on my YouTube channel, TheLoriTeacher, over Osprey Week.

Thank you all for your hard work- you make me so proud to be your teacher!  See you in a week...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Our book is published!

The 10th grader poetry book, "Fabric of Words," has been published on!  Follow the link to order additional copies!

Last day of project work!

For my Video and Kinetic Text Slackers...
If you didn't get your project done by the end of class (grrrrr), you need to get it to Josh Davoust at as soon as possible!

FINISH IT!  By the end of the day, you should...
  1. Introduction:  Develop an introduction to your poem!  Your name, the title, and a sentence or two that will help the audience to connect to your poem.
  2. Spoken Word:  Be memorized, with a polished and performance ready performance.
  3. Kinetic Text/Video/Slideshow:  Turn in your final draft project to Zach or Josh.
  4. Visual Art:  Have your poem memorized and ready to recite.  Painting is hung on the wall, and a photograph has been given to Zach or Josh.
Done?  Start on this!
  1. Update Humanities DP.  See the link for a list of specific requirements for your 10th grade Humanities DP.
  2. Growth as Poet Reflection.  I need this to complete grading of your poems!  Please follow the directions carefully, as this is worth 1/2 of your final poem grade!
Be ready for our graded rehearsal tomorrow!

Monday, May 6, 2013


Please, please bring your furniture!  We have many people right now who committed to bringing chairs and couches, yet we only have one couch in the classroom right now.  Please bring what you committed to, or this exhibition will not meet our vision!

Remember, we have a graded rehearsal on Wednesday!  This means that...
  1. Final Draft Videos and Kinetic Texts are DUE to the tech people on TUESDAY, by the end of class.
  2. Paintings and Visual Art pieces are DUE on TUESDAY, by the end of class.
  3. Spoken Word, be ready to perform for WEDNESDAY!

Room Set Up:
MOST of this will happen after school today—people are still working their projects, so we need to make sure they have the classroom space to do that!
  • List of Furniture and Other: Check off names of people who brought in exhibition supplies.  This is for a participation grade, so please keep accurate records!
  • Clean Up!:
    • Sweep the classroom floor, get all painting supplies neatly put away in a cabinet, so we are ready to move furniture in. 
    • Move any supplies over to the supply corner (with the metal shelves), including whiteboards, bookshelves, etc. 
    • Organize the supply corner so it’s ready to be sheeted off. 
    • Get extra tables moved into the hallway, and extra chairs stacked neatly in the hallway.
  • Gather Supplies
    • Get sheets and lights from Jessica’s room.  Try not to use more than 6 sheetss
    • We will probably only need 2 lights, to create a spotlight on the performers.
  • Move Furniture:  Move all tables and other furniture into the hallway, stack neatly.
  • Furniture Set Up: Get the following furniture from the school:  Colleen’s armchair, chairs (and maybe futon) from the office, rugs from Colleen and Ashley.
  • Sheets: Hang up any sheets/tapestries.
  • Clean Room: Vacuum couches and furniture
  • Furniture Set Up: Get all furniture set up
  • Hang Art: Get art pieces hung up in the classroom if there are any finished.
  • Lighting: Set up lighting and lamps (don’t forget to put a spotlight on the stage!)

  • Set up Play List: As projects start trickling in, set up a play list, get them in the order they need to be in for Exhibition.  Check to make sure each project will play.
  • Location and Setup:  Coordinate with interior design to figure out where you are going to be operating from.  Get your workspace set up.
  • Equipment:  Make sure your computer works with the SmartBoard.  If possible, find a microphone and amp for making announcements.
  • Menu: Finalize menu, double-check with everyone to confirm what they are bringing.  Create and price a menu with suggested donations.
  • Furniture: Locate and set up furniture, tablecloths, etc.  Get your space set up.
  • Finish Book: Make table of contents, upload and order everything, double and triple check.  Make sure pages are numbered correctly!
  • Deadline:  Book should be completed by the end of the day on today.  Show to Lori when you’re done!
  • Develop an Introduction for Your Poem: The night of Exhibition, you will need to have a brief (a few sentences only) introduction that you say before your project.  This should include your name, the title of your poem, and something that will help the audience to connect your poem.  You could talk about your inspiration for your poem, what you hope to achieve with the poem, why you wrote it, etc. 
Spoken Word (including those of you performing to music):
  • Practice Performance: Go into a room with a few other spoken word people, and practice performing.  Remember to think about body-language, verbal inflection, emotion, pacing, etc.
  • Critiques: Get critique sheets from Lori.  Perform poem for two separate people, or groups of people.  Have them fill out the critique sheet for you.  You should do the same for them.  Show Lori.
  • By the End of the Day: Poem should be memorized and performance should be polished.  Should have 2 critiques completed.
Kinetic Text/Video/Slideshow:
  • Proofread: Find an editor to proofread the text in your kinetic text/video.   Errors will not be looked upon kindly in final drafts!  DO NOT RENDER/EXPORT UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THIS!!!
  • Rendering/Exporting: This process takes LOTS of time.  This should be done Monday or Tuesday.  See the list on the back of this page for acceptable formats.  MP4 format ONLY!
  • By the End of the Day: You should be done with your project, and ready to render/export tomorrow.
Art Pieces:
  • Paint!: Work on your painting. 
  • Memorize Your Poem: Remember, you have to recite your poem verbally at Exhibition as well. 
  • Practice Reciting: Practice reciting your poem.
  • Photograph Painting: You should take a photograph of your painting when it is finished, so that it can be projected on the screen during your recital of the poem.  See Lori for a camera.  You will need to get that jpeg to Josh or Zach.
  • Hang Painting: Work with room set-up crew to figure out where and how your painting will be hung in the classroom.
  • By the End of the Day: Painting should be finished, or very close to it.  Poem should be memorized.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bring Furniture!

Please bring whatever furniture, supplies, etc. that you committed to bring for Exhibition on MONDAY.  You can pull around in the alleyway behind my classroom to drop off large items before or after school.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Project Work and Critiques


  1. Furniture and Materials:  Please have all furniture and materials for class transformation NO LATER than Monday.  If you are bringing furniture, please pull around back to the alley.  I am generally at school from 7:30 on.
  2. Art for Walls:  If you have any themed art for our room, please bring it no later than Tuesday.
  3. Painting on Friday!  Interior design will be painting the room after school on Friday from 3:15-5:30.  If you're interested in helping them, please talk to a member of the design crew.
Project Work Time
  1. Critiques:  Get together with 2-3 other people doing similar projects (video, kinetic text, spoken word, art piece + recitation).
    • One person shows what they have done on their project so far, and shares any concerns or questions they have with the group.
    • Group discusses the strengths of the projects, pieces they really liked, and why.
    • Group gives specific suggestions for improving the REFINEMENT of the project, and improving the RELATIONSHIP between the text of the poem and the project.
    • Repeat until all in group have been critiqued.
  1. Work on Project!  Get stuff done!
Challenge Roles
  1. Editors:  You should be done!  Huzzah!
  2. Editor in Chief:  Now your work starts.  :)  Get poems and Artist Statements laid out in a way that makes sense (see last year's book for how this should work).  As you do this, do a quick check on formatting and proofreading.
  3. Interior Design:  Finish taping and moving things that will obstruct painting.  
  4. Tech: Talk to Elliott or Elijah about program used for exhibition.
  5. Videography:  Get equipment reserved, figure out what you want (for example, do you want a boom mike?).
  6. Vendors:  Start getting a list of food donations together from students in your classes (see me for a roster of the class).  Get list of furniture and supplies together.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Class Needs and Project Work


  • Art: If you have art that is related to our themes, please bring it to the design crew by Tuesday, May 7 so we can create a gallery in the room.
  • Furniture/Other Needs:  The interior design crew will be contacting you about what you plan to contribute to transform our room.  EVERY student is required to bring something!
  • A Friendly Suggestion...Do NOT WAIT UNTIL YOUR PROJECT IS FINISHED TO GET FEEDBACK!  This will often end in tears and a hastily revised project.  Seek out feedback from Lori and peers early and often.
  • Exhibition Schedule:  See the linked document.  Let Lori know by Thursday if you have any conflicts.
Challenge Roles
By the end of the day, you should have completed the following...
  • Editors:  All edited poems and artist statements should be emailed to Avra by the end of class.  Her email is  
  • Editor in Chief:  Create a Table of Contents page, start organizing and double-checking submissions.
  • Interior Design:  Meet with Lori for final approval of your floor plan.  Make necessary modifications, and finalize schedule for room transformation.  Weekends are OFF the table!
  • Vendors:  Have a list made of what different people are going to contribute.  Have a list made of the supplies and furniture you need.
  • Tech:  Know what program/format you're going to use to put together our exhibition.
  • Videographers:  Have equipment reserved.
Project Work Time
Work on your project!  You should be out of brainstorming mode at this point, and well into project creation.  You are hitting the point of no return as far as what format you are using to present, so make sure you are on track.  Use Lori, your peers, and other resources to give you feedback during the process.