Friday, August 24, 2012

War Horse

Reminder:  Turn in signed syllabus pages to the mailbox on the metal shelves!

War Horse.
Watch the movie, write down 10 observations about warfare during WWI.

Bring all class supplies.  DUE:  Tuesday, 9/4.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

AQotWF Introduction

Starter 2:
Brainstorm, and answer the following questions in writing:
  1. What would start WW3?
  2. Who would have to be assassinated?  Would an assassination even be a cause?  Why/why not?
  3. What countries would likely be involved?  Why?  What would their different motivations be for going to war?
  4. What would warfare look like?  (weapons, victims, speed)
  5. What people would be affected?  How would this differ for different places?

4 Corners
In class activity for you to express your opinions about war and violence.

All Quiet on the Western Front (AQotWF
  1. Check out your book
  2. Do the Preview and Predict assignment
  3. Review the Annotation Station handout
  4. Start reading and annotating
War Horse
Watch for 20 minutes.
By the end of the movie, need to have 10 observations about warfare during WWI.


  1. Get last page of syllabus filled out and signed by yourself and your parents.  DUE:  Friday, 8/31.
  2. Bring all supplies (see yesterday's blog post for details) to class.  DUE:  Tuesday, 9/4.

Welcome to Humanities 10!

Welcome to Humanities 10!  I am super bummed that I can't be with you in the first few days, but I leave you in capable hands.  I am really looking forward to teaching you this year, and am excited about the curriculum we'll be covering!

Here on this DP, you will find:
  1. Descriptions of what we did in class
  2. Links to handouts and assignments
  3. Homework and due dates
On Day 1, here's what your day looked like:

Read the syllabus, and highlight the 5 most important things in it.
Write on the back whiteboard what you're most excited about for this year, what you're most anxious about for this year, and a question the syllabus raises for you.

Annotated Portraits
If you were absent, don't worry about making this up.

Project Intro/Logistics
  1. Read Project Description, and write down 3 questions you want to ask me about the project when I come back.
Starter 1
  1. 10 minute freewrite: "What is the truth of war?"  Swap, read, share striking sentences.
4 Corners
4-corners discussion on statements about war and violence.

Get last page of syllabus filled out and signed by your parent/guardian.  DUE: Friday, 8/31.

Bring the following supplies with you on Tuesday, September 4.
  1. 3 ring binder (1.5-2"...nothing smaller!)
  2. 5 dividers
  3. Lined paper
  4. Pens/pencils
  5. Highlighter
  6. Sticky notes for annotating
  7. Daily planner for writing assignments