Friday, September 27, 2013

Final Critique!

Next Week Schedule:
  1. Monday- NO SCHOOL
  2. Tuesday- Revise and Write
  3. Wednesday- Proofreading and Revision
  4. Thursday- PROJECT DUE at start of class, Exhibition Preparation
  5. Friday- DP and Reflection, Exhibition Preparation
Challenge Extension Reminders:
  • Themed Sticky Notes:  On a piece of paper, write at the top what theme you annotated for in AQotWF.  Then, IN ORDER, remove the sticky notes for that theme and stick them to that page.  Next to the sticky notes, write the page number from the book.  This is due on Tuesday.
  • For WRITING part of Challenge Extension:  You only need to do ONE of the options for the challenge extension, rather than two.  If you want to do more, that's fine, but only ONE is required.
Complete critique for Sentence Craft.

Write and Revise!
I will get my feedback to you no later than the end of the day on Saturday.

  • TAKE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OFF!  Do not work on your story, think about your story, read your story...take a break so you can come back to it with fresh eyes.
  • REVISE: On Sunday and Monday, spend some time revising and finishing your story.  This is especially important if you haven't finished it yet, or if you have major revisions to do.
  • CHALLENGE EXTENSIONS:  Complete theme annotations turn in process (see notes above for how to do this).  DUE: Tuesday, 10/1, start of class.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

More Critiques!

Critique: Round Characters
Do ALL the subsections of the round character portion.  Make sure you format them correctly, and that your feedback gives specific and concrete suggestions for improvement!  If you need to resubmit your critique for a higher grade, please email it to and

Revise and Write!
Use the feedback you have received to revise your story.  Make it more amazing!

Spend 20-30 minutes revising the characters of your story.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Historical Fiction Critique


  1. Short Story Rubric:  This is what you'll be graded on for your short story.  None of this should be a surprise!  We'll be critiquing for all these elements over the next four days, and we will spend time next week on proofreading.
  2. Critique Rubric:  That's right, I'm grading your critiques.  You will email your finished critique to Lori AND Stephen when finished.  We'll grade it using this rubric, and get it back to you.  If you get an A or a B on your Critique, you're done!  You don't have to resubmit.  If you receive less than a B, you will need to submit another critique from this week to Lori and Stephen.
  3. Critique Structure:  Every day, you will be critiquing one story.  I will assign you 1-2 categories from the handout that you MUST do.  If you have time remaining before break, you will do a 3rd aspect of your choice.  In the second half of class, you will revise and write!
Critique For:
See Critique handout linked above for details on exactly what you need to do for this.

  1. Plot
  2. Showing vs. Telling
Revise and Write!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Transitions in Fiction

Review the handout above for help and strategies in tackling transitions in space, time, and point of view!

Writing Time
Write, write, write!  Get your rough draft finished!

Finish Rough Draft of short story.  DUE: Start of class, Tuesday 9/24.  DO NOT PRINT!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Verbal Phrases and Writing Time

Starter 19
Choose an occupation, then, brainstorm a list of verbs specific to the occupation.

Verbal Phrases

  1. Review Verbal Phrases handout
  2. Guided Practice:  Write 3 sentences using Verbal Phrases, check with Stephen or Lori
  3. Write 3 verbal phrases into your story, show Stephen or Lori
Writing Time
Type type type!  Get those stories written!

Write your short story!  Remember, you must have a draft of AT LEAST 5 pages by Tuesday at the start of class.  I suggest that you have your story at least 75% done when you come to class on Monday.  RD STORY DUE: Start of class, Tuesday.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Take Mid-Project Survey!
Survey is linked above.  In the question where it asks you "What project are you currently working on?"  Please write: WWI Historical Fiction.  Write it EXACTLY like this!

Show, Don't Tell!
See essay and instructions linked above for guidelines!  If you were absent, read the instructions carefully, and do ALL the steps of the activity.

Write, write, write!

HOMEWORK:  Write at least 1/2 page more than what you had at the end of class.  Focus on SHOWING!  DUE:  Start of class, Friday.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Story Sketch and Writing

Turn in Research Notes: Email or hard copy is okay.

Story Sketch
Complete the handout linked above to help you brainstorm for your story.

Writing Time!
Start writing your rough draft of your story.  Don't worry too much right now about making it good- just get it on paper.  We will spend lots of time revising and perfecting these next week!

Write one page of your short story.  Have it ready to pull up on your computer tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Research Notes!

Primary vs. Secondary Sources
Primary Sources  (
Document, object, photograph that was created during the time that is being studied
  1. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (excerpts or translations acceptable): Diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, official records, propaganda posters, treaties and government documents.
  2. CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art, song lyrics, photographs
  3. RELICS OR ARTIFACTS: Pottery, furniture, clothing, buildings

Secondary Sources:  A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them.
  1. PUBLICATIONS: Textbooks, magazine articles, histories, criticisms, commentaries, websites, interviews with historians or experts, documentaries, academic journal articles.
Finish them!  

Finish Research Notes.  Remember, they must be TYPED!  DUE: Start of class, Wednesday 9/18.  Emailed to

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Story Brainstorm and Research Notes

Starter 16

  1. How might the urge to tell a good story distort historical truth?
  2. Use your AQotWF book to find 2-3 examples of Remarque using historical detail.  How do these details make the the story more believable?
  3. What are your concerns or worries about writing historical fiction?
See handout linked above.  It will guide you through an initial brainstorm for your story!

See handout linked above.  It tells you how to format your research notes for this project.

  1. AQotWF Seminar Reflection:  See yesterday's blog post for details.  DUE: Friday, start of class.  Email to
  2. AQotWF Seminar Make Up:  ONLY DO THIS IF YOU WERE ABSENT FOR SEMINAR!  See yesterday's post for details.  DUE: Friday, start of class.  Email to
  3. Creative Historians Research Notes:  See handout for instructions, and Student Resources page for links of places to start.  DUE:  Wednesday, start of class.  TYPED and PRINTED.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WWI Quiz and Seminar Reflection

Starter 15
  1. Write down 1-2 things you need help with for the quiz.
  2. Write down 1-2 things you think you are an expert on for the quiz.
  3. Turn and talk to each other, help each other out!
WWI Quiz
Take a quiz on WWI!  If you were absent, I will be doing makeups on WEDNESDAY, 9/18 after school.

See the handout linked above for instructions on completing your seminar reflection.  Necessary information is linked below.

Major Seminar Questions:
  • What is the truth of war the author is trying to communicate in AQotWF?
  • Does the truth of war change over the course of this novel?
  • Is this an anti-war novel?  Why/why not?
  • In chapter 2, why do the men react so strongly to the deaths of the horses, and ignore the deaths of men?  What does this say to you about the effects of war?
  • Chapter 9 is a turning point in the book.  What crucial realization does Paul have in this chapter?  How does this change his "truth?"
  • Why does Paul react so negatively to going on leave?
  • How has reading this book changed your perception of war?  Explain.
Lori's Choice Question:
Write a 1 paragraph description of the death scene in chapter 9 through the eyes of Gerard.  Write the same scene, from the French man's perspective.  Use your creative writing talents here!

Challenge Extension Question:
Choose one of the themes you annotated in your book.  In one paragraph, discuss what the theme is, and how it is developed over the course of the book.

ONLY DO THIS IF YOU WERE ABSENT!  Choose two questions from the list of Major Seminar Questions above.  Write two paragraphs in response to each of the questions.  Make sure you are supporting your responses with evidence and quotes from the text of AQotWF.

  1. Bring Computer!  You will need a computer in class EVERY DAY from this point on.  Make sure you have yours!
  2. Seminar Reflection:  Type it, proofread it, turn it in!  DUE: Start of class, Friday.  Email the final draft to

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

AQotWF Seminar

Starter 14

  1. How do you demonstrate active listening in seminar?
  2. What kinds of questions lead to fruitful seminars?
  3. List two things that you want to work on in seminar today.
Review Seminar Norms and Grading
Review seminar grading categories and norms.


Study for WWI Quiz TOMORROW

  1. Study for WWI Quiz:  Quiz is TOMORROW!  

Monday, September 9, 2013

AQotWF: Seminar Coaching

Starter 13

  1. What did you do this weekend?
  2. What is ironic, or dramatically unexpected, about the ending of AQotWF?
  3. In Paul's opinion, the war has ruined those who survived the war almost as much as those who died.  Do you agree or disagree?  Why?
AQotWF Seminar Coaching
Review coaching expectations.  Use Coaching Handout to work through the text in a small group.  

AQotWF Seminar Prewrite

Answer any two of the following questions in well thought out paragraphs.  These may be handwritten or typed.  This is your ticket to participate in seminar tomorrow.  Without this, you will not be allowed to participate, and you will receive a 0 for the seminar.  If typed, they MUST be printed BEFORE CLASS STARTS.
  1. What is the truth of war the author is trying to convey in this book?
  2. Is this an anti-war novel?  Why/why not?
  3. What do you think is the passage in this book that best expresses the truth of war?  Quote it, and explain why you chose it.
  4. When Paul goes on leave, why does he react so negatively to being home?  Why does he say, on page 185, that he should never have gone on leave?
  5. Chapter 9 is a turning point in the book.  What crucial realization does Paul have in this chapter?
Study Time!
If you have any time left at the end of class, use it to study for your WWI Quiz on Wednesday!

  1. AQotWF Seminar Prewrite:  See above for specific instructions.  DUE: Tuesday, Start of Class.
  2. Study for WWI QUIZ:  Quiz on Wednesday!!! 

WWI Quiz Study Session!

Starter 12:
  1. Pick a conflict from the past five years.  Describe how this conflict has changed you for better or worse.
  2. What is a central conflict Paul encounters in AQotWF?  How does it change him psychologically?
  3. How does this novel change your view of warfare?
Study for WWI Quiz
  1. Set study priorities based on self assessment from Thursday
  2. Review Study Strategies Handout, and decide on a study strategy for each bullet point in the "Got It" column
  3. STUDY!
  1. Finish AQotWF, reading and annotating.  DUE: Monday, 9/9/13
  2. Finish AQotWF Choice Activities (see Student Resources page for handouts and instructions).  DUE: Monday, 9/9/13

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Treaty of Versailles Simulation

Starter 11

  1. Which one of the following weapons do you think had the greatest psychological impact on soldiers in the trenches?  Why?  (Tanks, mustard gas, artillery, airplanes, grenades, machine guns, flame-thrower, others?)
  2. Vividly describe two images from the novel that linger in your mind.
Treaty of Versailles Simulation
Participate in a simulation that recreates the Treaty of Versailles, then compare your results to the actual Treaty.


  1. AQotWF Reading:  Finish reading and annotating the book!  DUE: Monday, 9/9/13
  2. AQotWF Choice Activities:  Finish all 3 choice activities.  Remember, all necessary handouts and instructions are linked on the Student Resources page on this DP!  DUE: Monday, 9/9/13

AQotWF Choice Activities

Starter 10: WWI Death Stats
See the attached document with starter questions at the bottom!

AQotWF Choice Activities
Work on reading, annotating, and choice activities


  1. AQotWF Reading:  Finish reading and annotating the book!  DUE: Monday, 9/9/13
  2. AQotWF Choice Activities:  Finish all 3 choice activities.  DUE: Monday, 9/9/13

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fronts of WWI

Starter 9

  1. How does Middlestadt taunt and humiliate Kantorek?  Why?  Is this treatment of Kantorek justified?  Why/why not?
  2. Why does Paul say at the end of chapter 7, "I ought never have come on leave"?  
  3. Does it help or hurt to talk about traumatic experiences?  Explain your reasoning.
WWI: Fronts and Battles
Take notes on annotated map.  Lecture notes are linked above!  If you were absent, review the notes, and get the annotated map notes from a classmate.

AQotWF Choice Activities
  1. Continue working on choice activities.
  2. Read and annotate.
  1. AQOTWF:  Read and annotate through the end of the book.  DUE: Monday, 9/9, start of class.
  2. AQotWF Choice Activities:  Finish 3 choice activities from the handout that is linked on the Student Resources page.  DUE: Monday, 9/9, start of class.