Friday, January 30, 2015

Research Part 1 Continued

Starter 16

  1. What's one interesting thing you've found in your research so far?  Why is it interesting to you?
  2. As of right now, what's your perspective or opinion on the topic you're researching?

Research Part 1
  1. Keep working on this!
  2. When you're done with the initial research notes, sign up for a conference with Lori.
  3. After Lori approves your research question, write it on the board with your name.
Finish Research Part 1.  DUE:  Monday, 2/2.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Research Notes, Part 1

Project/Calendar Review
Reviewed due dates for the next month, and potential project topics (found on the last page of the Project Overview).

Starter 15

  1. Brainstorm!  Gut reaction- what topic or topics (try to choose 2-3) are you interested in right now?
  2. Why are these topics interesting to  you?
  3. What questions do you have about these topics?
Use class time to work on Research Notes Part 1.

Finish Seminar Reflection.  DUE:  Friday, 1/30/15.  Proofread carefully, and email to Lori before the start of class.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Global Village Seminar Reflection

Starter 14

1. List 3 details from the this cartoon and what you think they stand for/mean.
2. What is the message of this cartoon?  What is your reaction to this message?

Complete the seminar reflection linked above.  Resources for paragraphs 2, 4, and 5 are found below.

Paragraph 2:  Detailed Response

Seminar Questions
  1. What is the global village?  Why does he use that term?  What does he mean that it has “finally” arrived?
  2. What is Ayer saying about identity and how it is formed in a globalized world?
  3. Is this “new world order” that he is describing ultimately a positive or a negative shift?  In what ways?
  4. How are our societies going to have to change to adapt to this global village?
  5. What is the role of America in this new world order?
  6. P4: What does he mean that souls are mingling?  Why does he use the word choice “souls”?
  7. How is the globalization happening today fundamentally different from the globalization that Iyer describes as happening in the past?
  8. Would you rather live in a world that is less connected, but in which you have a strong sense of national/cultural identity, or a world that is hyper-connected, but in which your identity is diluted?
  9. Is the daily revision of identity, and increased fluidity of identity ultimately positive or negative?  Why?
  10. Do you think that your identity has been affected by the processes Iyer is describing?  How so/not?
Paragraph 4:  Lori's Choice
No writing here!  Draw a cartoon on an 8.5 x 11" paper that represents a clear perspective on globalization.  You could represent a perspective from the article, show a perspective you heard in seminar, or show your own perspective.  

Discuss how Iyer's view of globalization either challenges or reinforces the descriptions put forth in Friedman's "The Lexus and the Olive Tree."

If you were absent for seminar, you need to complete a seminar makeup.  To do this, you need to choose 4 of the seminar questions listed above.  Answer each question with a fully developed TEA paragraph that uses evidence from the text (set up your quotes!!!) to support your opinions.

-Finish Seminar Reflection.  DUE:  Friday, 1/31, emailed to Lori before the start of class.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Global Village Seminar and WTO

Starter 13

  1. What are your personal goals for this seminar?  What do you want to work on?
  2. HOW will you accomplish these goals?  What strategies will you use?
Global Village Seminar
Class discussion- we will write the seminar reflection in class tomorrow.

WTO: Benefits and Problems
  1. WTO Benefits
    • Read the article (no need to annotate)
    • On the back, or on a separate piece of paper, answer the two questions below.
    • What do you think are the two most important benefits from this list?  Why?
    • Read the Silences:  What is NOT taken into account here?  Whose voices are left out?  Why might this be important?
  2. WTO Problems
    • Read the article (no need to annotate)
    • On the back, or on a separate piece of paper, answer the two questions below.
    • What do you think are the two most important problems from this list?  Why?
    • Rank the WTO on a scale of 1-4:  
      • 1 = Very harmful
      • 2 = Somewhat harmful
      • 3 = Somewhat beneficial
      • 4 = Very beneficial
  1. Finish WTO Benefits and Problems (see above for articles and instructions)
  2. Bring computer to class!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Global Village Coaching

Starter 12

1.      What is the message of this piece?  Explain 3 details you see that help you to determine the message.
2.      How does this piece connect to texts, concepts, or topics weve covered in class?  Explain.

Global Village Coaching

  1.  Big Picture
    • What’s the thesis?  Write it on the board.
  2. Paragraph By Paragraph
    • What’s the most confusing/challenging part of this paragraph, and why?  Discuss in your group.
    • Summarize the message of the paragraph into one or two sentences. 

  1. Questions
    •  Write three questions on an index card, give them to Lori.
      • One question must focus on a definition, on a term that you think it will be really important for us to carefully define for a productive seminar.
      • One question should focus on a deep issue, a question that will spark deep thought and discussion.
      • One question should require students to make a connection.
Seminar Prewrite
TYPE 2 paragraphs.  Choose two of the following questions to respond to:
  1. What are the pros and cons of the world Pico Ayer describes?  For you?  For people living in other nations/parts of the world?
  2. What does he mean in his title?  Why does he say the global village has “finally” arrived
  3. Would you rather live in a world that is less connected, but in which you have a strong sense of national identity, or a world that is hyper-connected, but in which your identity is diluted?

HOMEWORKFinish Seminar Prewrite if you didn't finish in class.  Have it ready to show Lori at the start of class on Monday.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Global Village Finally Arrives

Starter 11

Starter 11:
  1. Watch video: Navigating Global Future
  2. What does he say are the possible benefits and downfalls of the future? (T-chart is okay)
  3. What is the most interesting point he made?  Why?  Connect to yourself!
Global Village Vocab
BEFORE students start reading, they should…
1.      Choose 3 more words from the list that they use or see the least
2.      Take a guess at the definition of each word (use roots to try to figure this out!)
3.      Look at the real definition on the Global Village Vocab handout
4.      Write a sentence that uses each word that you think could be in the article.  You should end up with three sentences.

1.      P1: tandoori
2.      P2: rainbow coalition, disembark, hyphenated, adage
3.      P3: polyglot, postnational
4.      P4: uniculture
5.      P5: hued
6.      P6: Calvinists, entrepreneurial
7.      P7: None
8.      P8: paradigm, eclecticism, cosmopolitanism, soigne, emigres
9.      P9: internationalism, Balkanization, transmission
10.  P10: transnational, allegiances, cadences
11.  P11: None
12.  P12: mongrels, mestizos, expats, lingua fraca, technopoles
13.  P13: None
14.  P14: psalmist

1.      Read and annotate.  At least 9 total annotations
2.      Find and label the thesis

1.      Go to Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt
2.      Watch as many chapters as you can (there are 5 total)
3.      Choose one chapter, read the article below it
4.      Write:
a.       Most interesting thing you learned

b.      2 questions you have

HOMEWORK:  Finish reading and annotating The Global Village Finally Arrives.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

NAFTA, continued

Starter 10:  Trade Dilemmas
See handout linked above for starter instructions.


  1. Finish Document Analysis (see yesterday's post for links to documents and worksheet).
  2. Show Lori when done.
  3. Create political cartoon about NAFTA (see the last page of the Document Analysis packet for specific instructions).  Should be 8.5 x 11", can be black and white or color.
Finish NAFTA political cartoon.  DUE:  Thursday, 1/22

All NAFTA, all the time!

Starter 9:  World Poverty Rates

Percentage of people living on less than
$1.25 per day[36]
East Asia and Pacific
Europe and Central Asia
Latin America and the Caribbean
Middle East and North Africa
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa

1. What are 2 trends you notice here?  Explain.
2. You’ll notice that the global poverty rate was cut in half between 1981 and 2008.  What are at least two possible explanations for this dramatic decrease?  Explain your reasoning thoroughly!

NAFTA Background Information
  • Who:  Mexico, Canada, USA (Chile added in 1997)
  • When:  1994
  • Why:  Increase trade between these countries
  • How:
    • Tariffs:  Reduces tariffs (taxes) on good shipped from one country to another.  US exports to Mexico have gone up because of this.
    • Immigration and Travel:  Makes transporting of goods across borders easier, allows some immigration for work under a special kind of visa.
    • Labeling:  Goods shipped into a country must have labels in the language of that country (French for Canada, English for US, Spanish for Mexico)
  • Controversies:
    • Job loss
    • Environmental Regulations
    • National Autonomy

NAFTA Documents
  1. Review Historical Thinking Skills
  2. Going to use some historical thinking skills to evaluate some documents about NAFTA, so that you can draw your own conclusions.  Our process will be:
    1. Guided practice, where I’ll model for you how to read these documents, and we’ll analyze the first document as a class
    2. Independent work, where you analyze 3 other documents on your own
    3. Final Synthesis, where you come up with your final opinion on NAFTA
Work through the documents listed below using the document analysis packet. 
NONE!  We'll finish up the NAFTA stuff in class tomorrow.

Friday, January 16, 2015

LatOT Work Day!

Starter 8:  Pennies a Day
  1. What's your intellectual/emotional response to this video?
  2. How does this connect to the simulation we did yesterday?
  3. Would this work to lessen poverty in the US?  Why/why not?

Work Time!
  1. Finish Auction Writing (you should only have one paragraph left to write), email to Lori when done.
  2. Finish LatOT poster. 

  1. Finish Auction Writing (you should only have one paragraph left to write), email to Lori when done.  DUE:  Before class Tuesday, 1/20.
  2. Finish LatOT poster.  DUE:  Start of class, Tuesday, 1/20.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Transnational Capital Auction

Starter 7: Trade Dilemma
Most people agree that the government of Burma (known also as Myanmar) is repressive. The U.S. State Department issued a report saying that Burmese “soldiers have committed serious human rights abuses, including extra judicial killing and rape.” Human rights organizations have documented the widespread use of forced labor. In order to protest human rights abuses there, the government of Massachusetts passed a law saying that it will not purchase major goods or services from any company that has investments in Burma.

The European Union and Japan complained that this was a violation of free trade because what is important about a good is the product itself, not how it was produced or who produced it. The National Foreign Trade Council, representing 580 U.S. companies — 346 of which do business with Burma — agreed. They said that Massachusetts has no right to pick and choose whom it will buy from based on anything other than the price and the quality of goods to be provided— period.
  1. Do you agree with the position of the National Foreign Trade Council?  Why/Why not?
  2. In general, which is more important: protecting the free flow of goods and services, or the right of individual nations to make rules for themselves?  Explain.
Transnational Capital Auction
In class simulation.  See below for makeup assignment.

  1. Auction Writing:  Must finish typing the answers to two of the questions by tomorrow (you MUST answer question 2!).  Due:  Friday, 1/16
  2. IF YOU WERE ABSENT: Transnational Capital Auction Makeup Assignment.  The final typed paragraphs will be due (emailed) before you come to class on Tuesday, 1/20.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

LatOT Discussion and Writing

Starter 6

Starter 6:  Benefits of Sweatshops
1.      What are the 3 ways this video argues that sweatshops pull people out of poverty?  List them here.
2.      How convincing is this argument?  Why?
3.      What questions would you want answered in order to make a more informed judgment on the real impact of sweatshops?  List at least 3.

LatOT Discussion (small groups)
1.      Review discussion norms.
a.       Everyone participates
b.      Use all the time—answer questions thoroughly!
c.       Reference and use the text
2.      Purpose of discussion = to make sure everyone really understands the article, to prepare you for your poster assessment.
3. Go paragraph by paragraph first, and verbally summarize the main idea of each paragraph.  Then move on to the discussion questions.

(See handout linked above for instructions and options)

HOMEWORK:  None!  We will have a work day on Friday to work on the LatOT Assessment and the writing assignment that will go along with the simulation we are doing on Thursday.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Lexus and the Olive Tree: Annotate and T-Chart

Starter 5

Starter 5: Video (The Hidden Face of Globalization)
1.      What is your reaction to this video (intellectual, emotional, etc.)?
2.      What was the most powerful/convincing part of this video?  Try to reference something specific they mentioned or that you saw.
3.      Do you think anything should be done about these working conditions, or is it worth it to have cheap goods that are readily available and more jobs?

Lexus and the Olive Tree
1.      Read and annotate to the end of the article
a.       Mark thesis
b.      Circle and define vocabulary
c.       Highlight and underline main ideas
d.      At least 18 substantive annotations total

Lexus and Olive Tree Assignment
  1. In paragraph 7, Friedman lists 8 key defining characteristics of the Cold War era.  He then compares these to globalization in the rest of the essay.
    1. Underline and number all 8 defining characteristics listed in paragraph 7
    2. Find where he talks about the same thing for globalization (compare ideas to culture, as there isn’t a 1 to 1 comparison there).  They are NOT in the same order!
    3. Create a diagram that compares Cold War to Globalization (see example)
    4. For each characteristic, you should:
      • Summarize what he is saying about the Cold War/Globalization
      • Draw a simple symbol or diagram to help you remember.

Cold War
Structure of Power
  •  Balance between US and USSR

Structure of Power
  • 3 Balances:    Between US and other nations, between nations and markets, between individuals and nations

HOMEWORK:  Finish cold war vs. globalization chart

Friday, January 9, 2015

Lexus and the Olive Tree Intro

Seminar Reflection Work Time
Work on Dali Seminar Reflection.  Lori is available for feedback!


Starter 4

1.      List two symbols from this cartoon.  Explain what each stands for.
2.      What’s the message of this cartoon? 
3.      Agree or disagree with the message of this cartoon?  Why?

Cold War Review Notes
1.      Major ideologies
3.      Countries involved
4.      Important Events/Milestones

  1. Find the thesis and label it (HINT: It’s not in the first paragraph, or even the first page!).
  2. Highlight or underline main ideas
  3. Circle vocab words and write their definitions in the margins.  No need to do this for the ones on this LatOT Vocab Guide.
  4. Annotate:  At least 18 substantive annotations.  This works out to 2 per page (in addition to vocab, etc.)  These can be questions, connections, arguments with the author, deep thoughts/musings, or extensions and applications of his ideas.  NO EMOTIONAL REACTIONS!

Homework:  Seminar Reflection (see DP post from 1/7 for specific instructions).  Must be typed and proofread!  Email to Lori before class on Monday.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Career Fair at Fort Lewis!

Attend Career Fair at Fort Lewis!

None, unless you're super motivated to get a head start on your seminar reflection.  :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Geopoliticus Child Seminar

Starter 3: Where is Your Stuff From?
  1. Look at three items you have, list what it is, where it’s made (clothing tags, electronics, etc.)
  2. Why are so many things made globally, not locally?  Try to list at least 3 reasons.
  3. How would your life change if you could only shop for goods that were made locally (within the state)? What would you have to give up? What benefits would there be?
Dali Seminar Questions
1.      Opening Questions
a.       Who are the New Man and the Geopoliticus Child?
b.      What is this painting saying about the world?
c.       Is Dali portraying this birth as a positive or negative thing?
2.      Core Questions
a.       Why is the gender of the figure in the bottom right ambiguous?
b.      What is the significance of the mother and child?
c.       What is the mood of this painting?
d.      What does the building in the top right represent?
e.       Image hanging above birth of new man?
f.       Why do the countries appear to be falling off the globe? 
g.      Message of this painting?
h.      How does this fit into the historical context of the time?
3.      Closing Questions
a.       If Dali could repaint this today, what would the painting look like?  How would the symbolism and figures change?
b.      What do you think, 70 years later- who is the new man?
c.       What about this painting do you enjoy?
d.      If you could ask Dali one thing about this painting, what would it be?

Seminar Reflection
1.      Write a short (1/2-1 page) fiction piece inspired by this painting.  This could take the form of prose or poetry.   This piece could be reacting to the painting, expanding on the themes of the painting, addressing what happened before/after this scene, taking the perspective of one (or more) of the figures in the painting.  Play with tone, setting, literary devices and techniques!
2.      Answer 1 of the following questions, using details from the painting and our discussion to support your 1 paragraph answer.  Because this is only one paragraph, it should be an AMAZING paragraph!  For evidence, you should be referring to specific details from the painting.
a.       Who are the New Man and the Geopoliticus Child?
b.      What is this painting saying about the world?
c.       Is Dali portraying this birth as a positive or negative thing?

To improve your seminar grade by up to 10%, write an additional paragraph answering one of the other questions listed above. 

NONE.  You will have 1 hour of class time on Friday to start your seminar reflection- it will be due on Monday.  If you were absent, we will check in on Friday to talk about how to make up the seminar.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Geopoliticus Child Seminar Prep

Starter 2: Then/Now Cartoon
  1. List 3 details of this cartoon, and explain for each what you think that detail means/symbolizes.
  2. What is the main message of this cartoon?  Try to summarize the perspective in 1-2 sentences.
  3. Which world would you rather live in?  Why?

Paradigm Shift Notes
  • Framework or lens through which we view the world.
  • System of organizing knowledge, theories about how the world works.
  • Determines what is valued.

Paradigm Shift
  • Change in the framework or lens
  • Often highly disruptive, met with resistance
  • Sometimes spurred by new technology

  • Miasma causes disease à Germs cause disease
  • Earth is the center of the universe à Sun is the center of the universe
  • Europe is the dominant world power à US and USSR are the dominant world powers

Seminar Prep:  Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man (Salvador Dali, 1943)
Painting trying to depict a major change in paradigm.  Need to prep before we seminar tomorrow.
  1. Trace the major elements of the painting
  2. Annotate traced drawing.  Annotations can be theories, questions, themes, connections, deep thoughts.  NO EMOTIONAL REACTIONS!
  3. Write one paragraph that talks about what you think the meaning of this painting is, and how the different symbols from the painting play into that meaning.
  4. Write at least 3 questions for seminar on an index card, give it to Lori.

Seminar Prep (see details above).  DUE: Wednesday, 1/7

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Lori's back! Let's get to work. :)

Procedures Photo Shoot
Practice and review class procedures to make our lives run more smoothly!

Binder Cleanout
Out with the old, and in with the new!  Clean all the old stuff out of your binder, and get it re-organized.

Take the quiz linked above.  We'll go over it tomorrow during class.

Fill in the blanks on the handout linked above, and then review with the whole class.
  • What % most surprised you?  Why?
  • What is one conclusion you can make about the world based on this data?  Explain your conclusion and the data you used to arrive at that conclusion.
Review the handout linked above, go over project outline.

Globalization 4 Corners
Let's get moving and talking!

HOMEWORK:  None, unless you didn't take the Syllabus Review Quiz during class.