Monday, April 7, 2014

Whole Class Critique and Journals 4 & 5

Starter 18
  1. In the upcoming critiques, what questions or issues do you really want people to address in your poem?  (List at least 3)
  2. If you had to describe each of the 2 poems you critiqued in 1-2 sentences, how would you describe them?

  1. Kinetic Text:  If you are thinking about doing this for your project, now is the time to get Adobe AfterEffects trial on your computer and start messing with it!
  2. Devices/Perspective Quiz Makeups: Tuesday, 2nd half of class.
  3. Analysis Quiz on MONDAY.  Must be typed.  NO access to internet for this, only paper dictionaries.  Will get feedback on your analysis of your recitation poem by the end of the week—think of this as practice!  Graded on 3 aspects:
    • Annotation
    • Analysis of Message (1 paragraph)
    • Analysis of Devices (2 paragraphs)

  1. Author offers focusing question and reads poem out loud to the group. (1-4 min)
  2. What’s memorable, piercing, or true about this piece of writing?  (6-8 min)
  3. What improvements could be made to this to make it even better?  (6-8 min)
  4. Authors respond: what was helpful, what do they need to work on.  (2 min)

Total critique time per person:  15-20 min.

Critique Norms
Be prepared
Everyone participates and speaks
Take intellectual risks—go deep!
Stick to the times
Be specific and helpful
Be open to new ideas; avoid being defensive

Process Journal 4
  1. Performance Inspiration:  What is your performance inspiration?  How will your poem be presented to the audience during exhibition?  Why did you choose this form, and what challenges do you anticipate?
  2. Revision Challenge: Go through your poem, and change the punctuation in a fundamental way.  This could mean that you add (parenthesis), use ellipsis…, add or take away commas, add or remove exclamation points !!! or question marks???, or play                        with                  Spacing.
  3. Process:  What is your next step in the process?   Why?  (Brainstorming, peer critique, research, writing, including poetic devices, working on the specific form, starting over, working with a teacher or tutor, learning after-effects, illustrating your poem…other?)

Process Journal 5
  1. Poetry Learning:  What have you learned about poetry during this process?  What are your thoughts about poetry, and how have they changed in the past few weeks? 
  2. Revision Challenge: Take two of the pieces of feedback you received from your critique sessions, and apply them to your poem.  Show me the revisions, and briefly explain how you think these changes impact your poem.
  3. Process:  What is your next step in the process?   Why?  (Brainstorming, peer critique, research, writing, including poetic devices, working on the specific form, starting over, working with a teacher or tutor, learning after-effects, illustrating your poem…other?)

  1. Process Journals 4 and 5.  DUE:  EMAIL both to Lori before the start of class on Friday.
  2. Analysis QUIZ on MONDAY, APRIL 14!
  3. Critique Poems.  DUE:  Start of Class Tuesday
    1. Group 1:  Critiques for Lyle, Bryce, and Mila.  (Group is Lyle, Bryce, Mila, Katie, Anish, Oli, Lane, Keenan)
    2. Group 2:  Critiques for Savvy and Hannah.  (Group is Savvy, Hannah, Lia, Derek, Cathy, Ian, Al, Ben)
    3. Group 3:  Critiques for JJ and Max.  (Group is JJ, Max, Ellie, Will, Raven, Devin, Bekah, Abby)
Remember, to critique the poems, do the following:
  1. Read and annotate carefully
  2. What is the perspective being expressed here?
  3. At least 2 specific places in the poem that are memorable, piercing, true, and why you liked them.
  4. At least 2 specific places the poem could be improved, with specific suggestions for how to improve them
  5. Address the author’s focusing question.

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