Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Critique Groups and Work Time

Starter 19
What are all the steps you need to go through to make sense of a difficult poem?  List them here!
How confident are you right now that you could successfully understand and write and analysis of a poem you’ve never seen before?  Rank on a scale of 1-4 (1 = Not at all confident, 4 = Very confident), and explain.

  1. Author offers focusing question and reads the poem out loud to the group.
  2. Describe the poem style.  Try to do this without offering any judgments!
  3. What’s memorable, piercing, or true about this writing?
  4. Improvements and suggestions for revision.
  5. Address author's focusing question.
  6. Poet responds

Repeat (should take around 15 minutes/poem, maybe 20)

Project Work Priorities
  1. Devices Quiz Makeups
  2. Poem Revisions
  3. Project Journals 4-5
  4. Critique Poems for tomorrow
  1. Critique Poems for critique group tomorrow (see above for linked poems).  DUE:  Start of class, Wednesday.
  2. Process Journals 4 and 5.  DUE:  EMAIL to Lori by the start of class on Friday.

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