Thursday, April 11, 2013

Small Group Critiques and Journals 4-5

Starter 20
  1. What are all the steps you need to go through to make sense of a difficult poem?  List them here!
  2. How confident are you right now that you could analyze a poem you’ve never seen before?  Explain.
Critique Roles
  1. Timekeeper: Responsible for moving group on.  Give a 1 minute warning before the end of every section.
  2. Facilitator: Keeps the group on track, moves discussion when necessary.
  1. Author offers focusing question, discusses specific areas they would like feedback on.
  2. Describe the poem style.  Try to do this without offering any judgments!
  3. What’s memorable, piercing, or true about this writing?
  4. Improvements and suggestions for revision
  5. Poet responds
Work Priorities
Poem Revisions
Process Journals 4-5 (see below!)

Process Journal 4
Performance Inspiration:  What is your performance inspiration?  How will your poem be presented to the audience during exhibition?  Why did you choose this form, and what challenges do you anticipate?  (I am aware that this may change!  If you have more than one idea, talk through them both if that will help you!)

Revision Challenge: Go through your poem, and change the punctuation in a fundamental way.  This could mean that you add (parenthesis), use ellipsis…, add or take away commas, add or remove exclamation points !!! or question marks???, or play                        


Next Step:  What is your next step in the process?   Why?  (Brainstorming, peer critique, research, writing, including poetic devices, working on the specific form, starting over, working with a teacher or tutor, learning after-effects, illustrating your poem…other?)

Process Journal 5
Learnings:  What have you learned about poetry during this process?  What are your thoughts about poetry, and how have they changed in the past few weeks? 

Revision Challenge: Take two of the pieces of feedback you received from your critique sessions, and apply them to your poem.  Show me the original chunks and the revised versions, and briefly explain how you think these changes impact your poem.

Next Step:  What is your next step in the process?   Why?  (Brainstorming, peer critique, research, writing, including poetic devices, working on the specific form, starting over, working with a teacher or tutor, learning after-effects, illustrating your poem…other?)

1. Process Journals 4 and 5 (DUE: Start of class, Wednesday)
2. Critique Poems (DUE: Start of class, Monday)

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