Monday, April 8, 2013

Critiques and Quiz Study

AM: Olivia, Gordon, Araaa
PM: Cole, Ande, Johnny, Eric

Starter 17
  1. Open freewrite 1:20
  2. Circle one thing from the first freewrite and use it as your topic 1:20
  3. How do things in a kitchen relate to war? 1:20
  4. How do things in the bathroom relate to peace?
  5. How do things on the ski mountain relate to violence?
  6. How do things in nature relate to power?
  7. How do things in classroom relate to truth?
  8. Choose the one word or phrase that most relates to your poem from all the freewrites above and freewrite on it.
TURN IN Starters 12-17 and Process Journal 2

Quiz Study
Take 30 minutes and study devices.
  1. Flashcards
  2. Quiz each other
  3. Review!
  4. Final chance to check with Lori
  5. Quiz is TOMORROW
Trade with a person who is not at your table, and who has not seen your poem yet.  On the poem you received, please write:
  1. Your name
  2. What is your favorite part of this poem?  Why?
  3. What poetic device are they using most effectively?  Explain how it affects you as a reader.
  4. What are two specific things they could do to make this poem more powerful?  Think about form, devices, word choice, layout, perspective, cuts, additions…
Work Time
Poem Draft 3
Study for Devices Quiz


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