Tuesday, February 26, 2013

SLC Prep- Notecard 2

Starter 7
Describe a time when you set a goal for yourself and achieved your goal.  What was the goal?  Why did you want to achieve it?  Why were you successful?

SLC Rubric
Review HOHAM and 21st Century Skills on the back of the handout linked above.

You will need to create a SMART goal for each class that addresses the weakness on Notecard 1.  I've written an example below so you can see what should be included:

  1. S = Specific Goal and HOW you will achieve it.  EX: I want to get all student work returned within 1 week of when I collect it.  I will do this by figuring out how many I have to grade each day to meet this goal, and sticking to a schedule.
  2. M = How you will MEASURE your success.  Ex:  I will write a list of assignments with the dates I collected them, and the dates I returned them to students.
  3. A = How ACHIEVABLE is your goal?  Ex:  This will be easy for small assignments, but for larger assignments I will need to change my work habits and be more disciplined.
  4. R = Why is your goal RELEVANT?  Ex:  This will help me because it will keep work from piling up and stressing me out, and it will help my students because they will be more up to date.
  5. T = What's your TIMEFRAME?  Ex:  I will start doing this the week after TCAP testing, and will continue through the end of the school year.
Complete notecard 2 for each class.  The notecard should have the following 3 parts:
  1. What HOHAM or 21st Century Skill will be most helpful in addressing your weakness for this class?
  2. Define the HOHAM or Skill you chose.
  3. SMART Goal for that class
ALL notecards for all classes must be completed.  DUE: Start of class, Wednesday.

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