Tuesday, May 21, 2013

TPOL Prep: Cover Letter Critiques


  1. Videos are UP!  All of your spoken word and digital projects have been uploaded to YouTube.  They are titled AHS 2013- Your Poem Title.  Click on the link to check them out, embed them on your DP, etc.
  2. TAKE YOUR STUFF HOME!!!  Rugs, couches, stools, etc. must be gone by the end of the day on THURSDAY.
Cover Letter Critiques
  1. Descriptions: 1 sentence about what each paragraph is trying to do/communicate
  2. Find a TEA paragraph and highlight the T, E, and A in that paragraph
  3. Find a place in this letter where they are not selling themselves as well as they could be.  Explain how they could sell themselves better in this section.
  4. 2 things they could improve.  Mark with a check, explain HOW.
  5. 3 things they did well.  Mark with a star, explain.
  6. Give feedback verbally
Cover Letter Revisions
  1. Revise your cover letter.
  2. If you want, get another round of feedback from someone (you could even ask me!).
  3. Have someone proofread your final letter very carefully for spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.
  1. Get your DP completely updated.  Use the list I've given you to make sure everything is there!
  2. When you are CERTAIN that you have everything there, email the link to me at lori.teacher@gmail.com so I can check it.
  1. Revise and refine cover letter.  FINAL DRAFT DUE: Start of class, Thursday.  Must be printed.
  2. Finish Humanities DP.  LINK DUE: Start of class, Thursday.

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