Monday, February 6, 2012

Nonviolence Coaching

Starter 23
Is there any situation in which you could see yourself engaging in non-violent actions like the Indians?  Explain your response, using specific examples whenever possible.

Nonviolence Coaching
Paragraph by Paragraph

  • Summarize message of each paragraph
  • Talk through difficulties

Big Picture

  • What's the thesis?
  • Why does this author support non-violent strategies?
  • What's the most interesting point he makes?
  • Come up with 3 discussion questions as a group, write on index cards

Seminar Prewrite
Choose TWO of the following to write about.  Must be typed and printed.  DUE: Wednesday, start of class.
  1. On the first page, there is a quote that says, "If one takes care of the means, the end will take care of itself...We have always control over the means and never of the ends."  Explain what this quote means, then talk about your reaction to it.  Do you agree or disagree?  What are the larger implications?
  2. Also on page one, the author says, "Gandhi and King taught us to look in a fresh way at the nature of power."  What does this mean?  What new insights do Gandhi and MLK give us into the idea of power?
  3. Of the different approaches listed in the 2nd and 3rd pages, which do you think would be most effective?  Why?  Which would be least effective?  Why?
Finish and print seminar prewrite.  DUE: Start of class, Wednesday.

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