Tuesday, December 18, 2012

POL Practice and Critique


  • Grades will be final as of this afternoon.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • If you forgot to do it yesterday, email or turn in Starters 9-14 (with the exception of 13)
  • POL Schedule.  Again, please talk to me ASAP if you have issues with the schedule.  If you need to switch days, it is YOUR responsibility at this point to find another student to switch with.  If you do this, inform Lori ASAP.  
  • Please remember that if you do not pass your POL, you will have to redo on Friday.  Please do not make plans to leave town until after you have passed.
Practice POLs
We will listen to two practice POLs.  After each POL, rank them in each category on the rubric, and write down 1 piece of positive feedback, and 1 thing they need to improve, with a concrete suggestion.

POL Run Throughs
  • Get in groups of 3
  • One person presents their entire POL.  After the presentation portion, please ask them 4 interview questions of your choosing.
  • Score them using the rubric.
  • Verbally discuss the strengths of their POL
  • Verbally discuss things they need to improve and refine in their POL
  • Switch and repeat for the other two people in your group
Finish Preparing
Do whatever you need to do to finish prepping for your POL!  Gather evidence, practice, finish DP, etc.

Practice your POL for your family tonight.

Monday, December 17, 2012

POL Prep...continued!

POL Prep Review
Review with Lori what you did over the weekend, what the expectations are for today.

TURN IN STARTERS 9-14 (except for 13)
Last grade of the semester!  Email them to Lori or put them in the mailbox.

POL Prep Activities
You must complete all of the required activities on the list linked above.  If you finish all required activities, please complete as many of the choice activities as you can.  Remember, these are not busy work, they are to prepare you to give an amazing POL!

Come to class tomorrow ready to practice your ENTIRE POL.  This means you should have the following things completed:

  1. Notecards for presentation (talking about two classes)
  2. Evidence for presentation
  3. Evidence for interview questions

Friday, December 14, 2012

SNOW DAY! POL Prep for Weekend

Hey everyone!  Hope you all are enjoying the snow day.  Tragically, in order to be ready for your POLs next week, you will need to do the work we were going to do today in class.  Please see below for the activities you need to complete, and what you need to walk into class with on Monday.

Starter 14:
Look over the list of interview questions
Which 2 questions do you think would be most difficult for you to answer?  Why?
Which 2 questions do you think would be easiest for you to answer?  Why?

Things to complete in order of importance:
Activities should be completed in the order they are listed!

Content Outlines: Finish them, have them completely ready for Lori to check off on Monday.

Interview Question Evidence: Find evidence for all the interview questions (note what it is on your POL handout).  You will want evidence that you could use for multiple questions (3-5 pieces, maybe?)

Content Question Evidence: Gather evidence for content questions.  Whenever possible, have it on your DP!

Content Question Practice
This weekend, practice the content question answers at least 3 times.  You could do it in front of the mirror, for your parents, for the family dog...just make sure you run through them at least three times.  Try to time yourself.  Answers to each content question should be 3-4 minutes long.

  • Have content question outlines complete.  I will be checking these for a grade first thing on Monday.
  • Have evidence thought through and written down for all of your interview questions.
  • Practice content questions at least three times.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

POL Prep, Day 1

Starter 13

  1. Carefully read through the entire POL Packet.  Highlight, underline, or star at least three things that you think are really important.
  2. Write down 2-3 questions you have about this round of POLs.
Review the schedule as a class.  It is also linked above.

POL Prep:  Humanities Topic Brainstorm
Brainstorm possible Humanities concepts you could talk about in your POL.

If you have an A (90% or above) in Humanities, use whatever process works for you to create notecards.

If you have a B or below, in Humanities, you must go through the following steps:
  1. Freewrite (at least 1/2 page for each class) on the content questions, show Lori
  2. Complete POL Outlines for each class
  3. Get outlines checked by Lori
  4. Create notecards (1 per content question)
Work Time
  1. Content questions and notecards
  2. Finish DP for Humanities or other classes
None, unless we have a snow day!  If we have a snow day, check this DP for what you need to do.  You will need to stay caught up with POL work in order to stay on schedule for next week.

Social Psychology...YEAH!

Starter 12

What do you think is the primary factor in getting people to participate in a violent activity—their inner personality, or their environment?

Give percentages for each, and explain your answer using examples to back up your reasoning.

Situation vs. Disposition Lecture
Conformity Activities
  1. Conformity Activity Instructions
  2. Asch Experiment Video is below

None!  We'll continue with the wonders of social psychology after break.  :) 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Genocide Quiz 1

Genocide Quiz
Complete quiz and turn in to Lori.

Study Time
Time to study for your other exams this week.

None!  Enjoy the night off.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Quiz Review!

Starter 11
Look at the list of things you need to know for the quiz (on your rubric, or on the board).  For each of the 5 major topics:
  • Topic Name
  • Rank how well you think you know it, on a scale of 1-4 (4 = could take test now, 1 = no idea)
  • What’s the best study strategy for you for this topic?

What are the biggest questions you still have about Deogratias?  List 3-4.

Deogratias Discussion
In groups of 6, you will be discussing Deogratias to prepare for your quiz.  You need to choose a facilitator who will ask questions and keep the discussion on topic.  Take notes if you need them!  You must answer all the questions below, but you should also feel free to discuss other questions you have.
  1. Summarize the plot of Deogratias.  What are the most important events, and in what order do they occur?
  2. What is the significance of Deogratias turning into a dog?  (This question is KEY!  Think about what it might symbolize…look beyond the literal!)
  3. What is this book trying to say about genocide?  What is the message?
  4. What does this book have to say about the role of foreigners in Africa?  How are they characterized?
  5. Who is the person in this book with the most guilt?  In other words, who is the most responsible for what happened to Venetia, Benina, Apollinaria, and Deogratias?
  6. How does the message of this book apply to your own life?
Quiz Study Time
Time to study!  Use whatever strategies you think are appropriate- flashcards, rewriting notes, group discussion, concept maps, whatever works! 

This is your last time to get clarification from Lori about concepts you are confused about, so ask her questions as well if you are still struggling to understand.

Study for QUIZ tomorrow!  See post from last Wednesday for details on what to study.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Finish In Class Essay

In Class Essay
Finish it!  When you're done, read it out-loud to yourself, have a classmate proofread it, print, and turn it in.

Study for QUIZ on Tuesday!  See Wednesday's post for details and resources.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

In Class Essay


Work on your in-class essay on the question:  How did imperialism and social Darwinism contribute to the Rwandan genocide.

You will have two hours to complete this assignment on Friday.  It is due by the end of class on Friday.

Study for QUIZ next Tuesday.  See yesterday's post for details and resources.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Quiz Review, Movie, Outlining

Sometimes in April
Finish watching the movie.

Starter 10

  1. What does "Sometimes in April" have to say about justice and healing after genocide?
  2. What do you think would need to happen for a country to heal after a genocide?  List at least 3 things, and explain why you think they would help.
Quiz Topic Review:  QUIZ ON TUESDAY, 12/11
On your Genocide Content Rubric, look at the "Got It!" column that is shaded in.  You should ONLY be studying from this column!  Here are the categories you'll be tested on, and some of the class activities and handouts you probably want to use to study from.
  1. Rwandan History (timeline in my classroom, WWtIY)
  2. Imperialism and Social Darwinism, Bullet Points 1 and 2 only.  (Imperialism Motives, Social Darwinism)
  3. Propaganda and the Media (Propaganda Messages)
  4. Deogratias (we'll do some discussion and activities on Monday to prep for this)
  5. International Involvement, Bullet Point 1 only.  (Ghosts of Rwanda)
Outlining Time!
Look over the Timed Writing Rubric and my Outlining Tips for some possible approaches to this paper. 

Finish your outline for the in-class writing on Thursday and Friday.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lori Out Sick

Hey guys, sorry to bail on you today.  My cold got worse instead of better, so I'm home with whiny cats today.  Here are some things you should know....

We'll do the Deogratias seminar on Wednesday.  I'll be back tomorrow, so plan on it!  If you haven't finished your seminar prewrite, you've got one more night.

WWtIY Comprehension Corrections
These are still due on Wednesday at the start of class.  You may email them to me or have a hard copy to turn into the mailbox.  Do NOT plan on using the first 5 minutes of class for this!

In Class Writing
We'll do the in-class writing on Thursday and Friday.  There will be NO homework on those days- I only want you writing during class.

Quiz Review
I'll give you guys a quiz overview tomorrow.  The quiz will be next Tuesday, so you should still have plenty of time to study.

Hope you guys are enjoying the movie- we will finish it on Monday of next week.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Deogratias and Thesis Statements

Starter 9

1. What is the message of this cartoon?
2. To what degree do you think this is accurate?  Explain, drawing on your knowledge of the past and the present.

Read the excerpts from WWtIY called "Dogs of Rwanda."  Then answer the following questions in about 3-5 sentences each:
  1. How does this connect to Deogratias?
  2. What new insight does this give you into Deogratias' character?
  3. What does it tell you about the role and status of dogs in Rwandan society?
Deogratias Seminar Prewrite
Choose TWO of the following questions to answer in typed paragraphs.  You will need this with you at the start of class tomorrow:
  1. What makes Deogratias go crazy?  Think about what he did, and what was done to him.
  2. What was the significance of Deogratias turning into a dog?
  3. Who is the person in this book who should take the most blame?  In other words, who is most responsible for what happened to Benina, Venetia, and Apollinaria?  Why?
  4. What is this book trying to say about genocide?  (Hint: go deeper than "it's bad"!)
  5. How does the message of this book apply to your own life?
WWtIY: Part 4.  Flipping the Question and Finding Evidence
Participate in a short workshop on how to flip an in class writing question into a thesis statement.  Then work on finding evidence from Social Darwinism and from WWtIY to support your thesis statement.

Finish Deogratias Seminar Prewrite.  It must be TYPED!  DUE: Start of class, Tuesday.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Deogratias Introduction

Starter 8
Look at the linked Civilian Participation Graph.  This graph shows the rates of participation in killing for different groups in Rwanda.

  1. List two trends or details that stand out to you about this graph.
  2. For each trend or detail, provide a possible explanation for why it happened this way.
Deogratias Intro
Tips for reading a graphic novel:
  1. Boxes on a page are called frames
  2. Frames between the spaces are called gutters
  3. Read left to right, then top to bottom
  4. Pictures and text are equally important
Time shifts = Change in Deogratias' appearance.  Frames have no borders in the past, black borders in the present.

Deogratias: Reading and Characters
Read the book.  Yes, all of it.  Then make a character list.  For each character, you should have:
  1. Name
  2. Nationality (Rwandan, American, Belgian, French, US...)
  3. Gender (Male or Female)
  4. Ethnicity (Hutu, Tutsi, Twa, Caucasian...)
You should have at least 10 characters in your list.

We Wish to Inform You...
Answer comprehension questions.  The questions on the WWtIY handout.  Type your responses, have them ready to turn in on Monday.

If you are really struggling to comprehend at this point, you may use the modified version linked here to help you understand the language in the main article.  WWtIY: Modified Version.

  1. WWtIY: Part 3.  Type answers to all comprehension questions.  Email to Lori, or print.  DUE: Start of class, Monday.
  2. Deogratias:  Read the whole book.  Create character list (see above for details).  DUE: Start of class, Monday.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rwanda Propaganda, WWtIY Part 2

Starter 7

1. What's the message of this cartoon?
2. How accurate is this for the USA?
3. How accurate is this for you?

Hutu 10 Commandments
  1. Read through the Genocide Propaganda Messages handout.
  2. Go to page 131 of your reader and find the Hutu 10 Commandments
  3. Summarize each commandment into 1 sentence/simpler language (skip #8)
  4. Match each commandment to one of the messages from the Propaganda Messages handout, and write the number of the message next to the commandment
Rwanda Propaganda Examples
  1. You will need the handout linked above, and the Propaganda Messages handout.
  2. Example 1: What message is this?  Summarize the message it is sending about Tutsis.
  3. Example 2: What message is this?  What do these earlier massacres tell you about the 1994 genocide?
  4. Example 3: What message is this?  Who is the song talking about?  Why is a piece of Hutu propaganda talking about Hutus?  What stage of genocide is this?
  5. Example 4: What does this tell you about how Hutus felts about what they were doing?  What attitude does this show towards killing?
We Wish to Inform You...
  1. Complete Part 2.  Finish the 2nd read through.  Define all vocab, do annotations, write questions.
  2. If you finish with Part 2, start answering the short answer questions.
Complete Part 2 of WWtIY.  Finish 2nd read through, define all vocab, do annotations, write questions.  I will be checking for vocab and annotations tomorrow.  DUE: Start of class, Friday.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We Wish to Inform You...

Starter 6

1. Describe 3 important details you see in this image.  For each detail, explain what you infer from that detail.  Your inferences could be about the message of the piece, the author, the time period...
2. What's the message of this piece?  How does it connect to what you learned yesterday?

I summarized and read bits of the essay linked above.  Students listened, and took notes on main ideas and reading strategies for complex texts.  The key points are:  slow down, don't distract yourself with other things, and take the time to think about what you are reading.

Follow the directions on the handout linked above for Part 1 and Part 2.  Take your time, be thorough.  The reading is on page 122 of your reader.

Finish your first read through of the text as described in Part One of the handout.  DUE: Start of class, Thursday.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Imperialism and Genocide

Question of the Week:  How did imperialism and social Darwinism contribute to the Rwandan genocide?

Starter 5:

1. What is the message of this cartoon?
2. List 3 important details.  For each, explain the meaning of that detail.

Imperialism Notes: Motives of Imperialism
Take notes on the motives of imperialism.  If you were absent, notes are linked here:  Imperialism Motive Notes.

Imperialism Activities
Complete the activities using the Imperialism Activity Instructions and the Imperialism Examples Packet.

Social Darwinism
Follow the instructions on the handout that is linked above.

Finish Social Darwinism activity that is linked above.  DUE: Start of class, Wednesday.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ghosts of Rwanda Part 2

Starter 4:

  1. List the 5 most important events in the movie so far.
  2. What reasons did the US and international community give for not wanting to intervene?
  3. What are your thoughts and reactions so far?

Political Cartoon
Choose one perspective from the movie or reaction to the movie so far that you would like to highlight. Create a political cartoon that expresses a particular point of view about this idea/issue.  Remember, keep it simple so the message really shines through.

Ghosts of Rwanda
Watch the rest of the movie.

Class Debrief
Students freewrite on the following three questions:
  1. Write 2 questions you still have.
  2. Write 2 reactions you had to this movie.  These could be reactions to a quote, an image, a story, or a fact.  Tell me what it made you feel and think.
  3. Try to answer:  Why didn’t the world step in to stop the genocide?

Discuss the questions in small groups
Debrief as a class

None!  Enjoy your break, come back refreshed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ghosts of Rwanda: Day 1

Starter 3

1. What are the three most important details in this cartoon?  For each detail, explain what it adds to the message of this cartoon.
2. What is the message of this cartoon?

Use the website linked above to find the vocabulary (scroll to the bottom of the page).  For each term listed below, you need to write the term and a 1-2 sentence definition of the term in your own words.
  1. Tutsis
  2. Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)
  3. Interahamwe
  4. Hutus
  5. Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR)
  6. Arusha Accords
  7. International Committee of the Red Cross

Ghosts of Rwanda
Remember, this movie is intense.  If at any point you need a break, feel free to take one.

-Bring in your AQotWF and S5 books for me!  They are DUE Thursday!  Letters will be going home to collect payment if you are missing your book at the end of this week.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

8 Stages of Genocide

Starter 2

1. What differences do you notice between these two people?
2. What is your interpretation of this image?  What is it trying to show?

8 Stages of Genocide
Link to 8 Stages Prezi.

Rwanda Timeline
You will be assigned a date from Rwandan history.  Use one of the three links below to find out what happened on that date:
  1. Frontline Historical Chronology
  2. Ghosts of Rwanda Timeline
  3. BBC Rwanda Timeline
Next you will create an 8.5 x 11 card to put in our timeline.  That card must be vertical, and must include:
  1. Date
  2. 1 sentence description of event
  3. Visual Image (symbol or drawing)
  4. Stage of Genocide (# and name)
  5. Who is in power? (1 or 2 words)
-Bring AQotWF and S5 to Lori by the end of the week!

Monday, November 12, 2012

UN Convention on Genocide

Wrap Up/Set Up:
  1. Turn in AQotWF and S5.  Take out all post it notes, check in your numbers with Lori.
  2. Clean out your binder, put all old work into your hanging file.
  3. Email your DP link to Lori

Starter 1
1. What do you see?  Describe it, including at least five important details.
2. For each of the details you listed, explain what conclusion you make based on that detail.  What does this observation tell you?

See handout linked above for the project description.

See handout linked above.  Complete the K and W to help build a mental "shelf" for your new knowledge.  Then do the activity with the UN Convention on Genocide (see the first page for instructions).  After you have completed your poster, complete L and +.  IF YOU WERE ABSENT, MAKE SURE TO DO THIS!

-Bring in copies of AQotWF and S5 to turn in if you didn't have them with you today.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Reflection and DP Work

Exhibition Accolades!
You were all AMAZING last night!  I had so many adults and community members comment on how articulate and informed you are.  Well done- you made me really proud.

DP and Reflection
Today is devoted to working on your DP and Project Reflection.  See the handout linked on yesterday's post for details and instructions.  You will be able to work on this in class on Friday during the movie.

Make sure your DP is totally finished when you walk into class on Monday!  I will be checking them in class on Monday, and you will not receive any additional class time to work on them next week.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Exhibition Night!

Exhibition Stuff and Things

  1. Exhibition Time:  Durango Public Library, 5:00-6:30.  Students should arrive at 4:45 to set up their space.
  2. Projects:  STUDENTS are responsible for getting their projects to and from the library.  Make sure you don't leave them in my classroom, because I will not be transporting them!  I will be bringing your essays and any other final draft writing that you prepared for exhibition.
Set Up Crew
Be at the library at 4:00 sharp.  We have a bunch to do, and not much time to do it.  This applies to: Zach, Anthony, Sienna, Ivie, Marisa, Jack, Conor N., Heidi, and Justin.

Break Down Crew
You will be helping me break down and load my car from 6:30-7:00.  This applies to: Emily, Bryn, Avra, Marley, Josh, Ande, and Bella.

Exhibition Practice:  Freewrites
  1. What is the most interesting thing you could tell someone about what you learned during this project?  How does this connect to your project and/or essay?
  2. What do you think is important when you want to make a good impression on the people who come to our exhibition (physically, appearance, interaction, speech, behavior)?
  3. Brainstorm 3-5 questions someone might ask you at Exhibition
Spiel Practice
  1. Handshake + Name
  2. Project overview (a few sentences)
  3. Your perspective
  4. Interesting tidbit
Speed Dating
Ask questions from the question bank to people.

See the handout linked above for what you need on your DP, and what you need to write for your reflection.

Come to exhibition in professional dress!  Can't wait!  

Monday, November 5, 2012

Here we go..it's EXHIBITION WEEK!


  1. Exhibition Time:  Wednesday, November 7.  Durango Public Library, 5:00-6:30.  Students should be there 15 minutes early to set up projects and find their place.
  2. Challenge Roles:  I need a set up crew from 4:00-5:00, a breakdown crew from 6:30-7:00, and a photoshop artist to make a poster for exhibition.  Talk to me if you're interested.
  3. Logistics:  YOU are responsible for bringing your project to the library!  I will bring essays, tablecloths, and easels.

Review the handout linked above for details on how to turn in your final project on Tuesday.

Works Cited Section
Yes, your essay needs one.  I suggest you use www.bibme.org.  Make sure that this page is the final page of your essay.  Remember, anything that was cited within your essay needs to be included.

Project Work Time
Get it done!  To avoid panic tomorrow, you should be almost completely finished with your project when you walk into class tomorrow.

-Works Cited Section:  If you haven't already, create a Works Cited section for your essay.  Remember, anything that was cited within your essay needs to be included.
-Work on project!

Friday, November 2, 2012


Project Work Time
Get 'em done!

Project Critiques
Get your project in progress critiqued by your peers.

Work on your project!  Revise your essays!  FINAL DRAFTS DUE: Tuesday, end of class.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

SLC Practice and Project Work

SLC Practice
Do a full run-through of your SLC and get feedback from your classmates.

Project Work Time
Work on your projects!  You need to have something substantial done for critiques tomorrow!

Be ready for project critiques tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Project Work Time

SLC Notecards
Do the humanities notecards, show Lori by the end of class.

Project Work
Make progress!  You will need to have something substantial to show by Friday.  We will be doing critiques on Friday.

Essay Revisions
Keep working on your essays!


  1. Come to class tomorrow with ALL SLC Notecards and Evidence.  We will start class with practice SLCs.
  2. Work on your project and essay!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Project Work and SLCs

Essay Update...
Essays are DONE!  All of you should have received your essays with feedback from me.  If you do not have MS Word, you may not be able to see all my comments.  If this is the case, let me know, and I'll print a copy for you.

SLC Notecards
See the handout linked above for the guidelines on your Humanities Notecards.  Please note the following due dates:

  1. Humanities Notecards:  Show Lori by the end of class, Wednesday.
  2. ALL Notecards and Evidence:  Bring to Humanities class on Thursday.

Project Work Time
-Essay Revisions
-Project Work
-SLC Notecards

  1. Essay and Project:  Due by the end of class, Tuesday, 11/6.
  2. SLC Notecards and Evidence for ALL CLASSES:  Due at the start of Humanities on Thursday.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Essay Critique and Standards for Feedback

Essay Critique

  • 1 round of peer critique
  • Author Response:  3 revisions you plan to make
  • Show Lori

The handout linked above lays out what you need to do to your paper to get it ready for me.  Use this as a checklist, and please make sure you follow it carefully, lest you displease me!

Work on essay revisions.  2nd Draft Essay DUE: End of class, Friday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Project Proposal Critique and RD Writing

Project Proposal Critique

  • 2 rounds of peer critique
  • Critique response
  • Show Lori your completed response and critiques when you are finished

Rough Draft Essay Time
This is your last chance to use class to work on your rough draft!  Use your time wisely. 

Finish Rough Draft Essay.  DUE: Start of class, PRINTED, Thursday.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Essay Rough Drafts and Due Date Changes

Revised Due Dates:
Due to student freak outs, high stress levels, and absences, the following due dates have been revised.  Please note that there will be NO extensions or exceptions made for these dates!

  1. Project Proposal:  Due at the start of class, WEDNESDAY.
  2. Essay Rough Draft:  Due, PRINTED, at the start of class, THURSDAY.
  3. Essay 2nd Draft:  Due, emailed to Lori, by the end of class, FRIDAY.

Rough Draft Work Time
Use the rest of class today to finish your project proposal (if you didn't finish yesterday), and to work on your rough draft essay.  Remember, you will only have an hour to work on it in class tomorrow, so the big push needs to happen today!

Work on your Rough Draft Essay.  DUE: Start of class, Thursday.  PRINTED.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Project Proposals and RD Writing

Project Proposals
Follow the instructions on the handout linked above to create an initial proposal for your project.  Make sure this is typed, and that it is ready for class tomorrow.

Setting Up Quotes
Review how to set up quote on pages 8-9 of your reader.  Make sure you use one of these 3 methods to set up any quotes you use in your essay.

Outline Conferences
I will call you up as needed to talk about your outlines, and give you guidelines for revision.

RD Writing Time
Once you've received the okay from Lori, start working on writing your rough draft of your essay.  Use your outline as a guide!

Work on your Rough Draft Essay.  Try to have at least 3 paragraph typed before class tomorrow.  RD Essay DUE: Printed, at the start of class on Wednesday.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Outline BONANZA!

Don't forget- the first student government meeting is after school TODAY!  Go to Matt Hughes' room if you're interested.

Essay Outlines
Work on your essay outlines.  See links below for resources:

  1. Essay Outline Format
  2. Essay Outline Example 1
  3. Essay Outline Example 2

Work on Outline:  Your goal should be to be 50% done when you walk into class on Friday.  That means Intro + 2 Body paragraphs (more if you have more paragraphs).  This will ensure that you have enough time to finish your outline before the end of class on Friday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Deadlines and Logic

Major Project Deadlines:

  1. Friday, 10/19:  Essay Outline (email to Lori by end of class)
  2. Tuesday, 10/23:  Project Proposal (start of class)
  3. Wednesday, 10/24:  Rough Draft Essay (PRINTED at the start of class)
  4. Friday, 10/26:  2nd Draft Essay (emailed to Lori by end of class- must meet minimum standards for feedback!)
  5. Tuesday, 11/6:  FINAL ESSAY AND PROJECT (by end of class)

Starter 26:
Read through your shifty first draft.
  1. Write the 3 best sentences or ideas from your draft.
  2. Looking at this draft, what ideas are you going to keep?  Why?
  3. What are you still unsure about/struggling with?
  4. What is the purpose of an outline when you are writing?  How can you use them to make your writing better?
Logical Sequence
  1. Make final revisions to your perspective statement.  Make sure it's clear, and that it says what you want it to say.
  2. Make a list of ideas you want to cover in your paper.
  3. Check to make sure that all your ideas relate to your perspective statement.  If they don't, take them out, or revise your perspective.  You should end up with AT LEAST 4 ideas.
  4. Put your ideas in the order you think makes the most sense.
  5. Show the final list to Lori!
If you finish your sequence, start working on your outline.  Resources are linked below!
-Finish logical sequence, and get your final perspective statement.
-Bring AQotWF and S5 to class!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shifty First Drafts and Quiz

Take the quiz, turn it in.

Starter 25

  1. What is the most difficult part of the the writing process for you?  Why do you think this part is so hard?  (Think about...brainstorming, drafting, organizing thoughts, critique, revision, more revision, proofreading, finalizing...other?)
  2. Howe do you usually come up with ideas for writing? What's your process like?

Shifty First Drafts
  1. Read the article on pages 12-13 of your reader.
  2. Underline 3 places that stand out, or that you identify with.  Make a marginal comment for each underlined point.
  3. Answer the following questions:
    • What is her main point?
    • How does this apply to you?
    • Paragraph 7: Do you "trust the process?"  Why/why not?

Writing YOUR Shifty Draft
For class tomorrow, you will need to write your own shifty first draft of your essay.  Here are some guidelines...
  1. Write your perspective statement at the top of your paper.
  2. Don't worry about organization, evidence, spelling...just get your ideas out!
  3. The more you write now, the more you have to work with later.
  4. Put in evidence/examples if you have them.  Don't worry about quotes, just describe or paraphrase the example you are thinking of.
Perspective Statement Conferences
Conference with Lori about your perspective statement for a final check.

Finish your Shifty First Draft (handwritten OR typed...your choice).  DUE: Start of class, Wednesday.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Perspective Statement Critiques

Turn in Starters 15-24

Turn in Slaughterhouse Five Seminar Reflection

Perspective Statement Critique
If you were absent, don't worry about going through this process- just get your perspective statement to where you are happy with it.

Study for Quiz
Study for WWII Quiz tomorrow.
Use the WWII content rubric- study the shaded in "Got It!" column.

Study for WWII Quiz tomorrow!  Use the WWII content rubric- study the shaded in "Got It!" column.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Project Perspective and S5 Seminar Reflection

Starter 24

  1. In projects you've done in the past, what have been your biggest strengths?
  2. what do you struggle with when you do projects?
  3. What advice would you give someone about how to succeed with a project?

Project Details:
  1. Final Product: Essay + ??? (something that represents the perspective of your essay in a different way...art, movie, dance, photoshop, creative writing, sculpture, other?)
  2. EXHIBTION DATE: Wednesday, November 7, 5:00-6:30 pm, Durango Public Library.
  3. Final Project/Essay Due: Tuesday, November 6 by the end of class.

Do the first page only of the handout linked above.  Come up with 3 interesting possible perspectives that answer the question, "What is the truth of war for a soldier?" 

General guidelines are linked above.  Read the directions carefully!  Resources needed are below.

Major Seminar Questions:
  1. Is this book an anti war novel?  Why/why not?
  2. How do the aliens in the book relate to war?  (Hint: Think metaphorically!)
  3. Why is Billy Pilgrim so passive?
  4. Did Billy Pilgrim really get kidnapped by aliens and travel in time?
  5. Why would Billy Pilgrim want to believe in the Tralfamadorian ideas of free will and time?
  6. What is the truth that Vonnegut is trying to communicate about war?
  7. Are you Billy Pilgrim?  (hint: think about his mental characteristics, and about what Vonnegut is trying to say about how humans act...or don't act)
Lori's Choice Question:  What connections can you make between AQotWF and Slaughterhouse Five?

  1. S5 Seminar Reflection.  See above for details.  DUE: Monday, start of class, in my email inbox or printed.  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL CLASS STARTS TO EMAIL/PRINT!
  2. Study for WWII Quiz.  Study the "Got It!" column of your WWII content rubric.  I recommend studying for 20 minutes a day, rather than waiting to cram!  Quiz is on TUESDAY.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Slaughterhouse Five Seminar

Starter 23
1.      Truth of war sentences
2.      One sentence each!  Make them amazing, play with description and symbolism!
3.      What is the truth of war for….
a.       Roland Weary?
b.      Mary O’Hare?
c.       Edgar Derby?
d.      Tralfamadorians?
e.       Billy Pilgrim?
f.       Kurt Vonnegut?

Rubric Self-Assessment
1.      Go through the content rubric for WWII.  Look at the GOT IT column.
2.      Ignore the map test part!  I will not be testing you on this.
3.      Rate each bullet point on a scale of 1-3.
a.       1 = not confident about it
b.      2 = pretty close to getting it
c.       3 = could nail this questions right now

WWII Quiz Study Time
1.      Study for WWII quiz on MONDAY
2.      Groups = no more than 3, or individually
3.      Use study strategies on your handout (should be in the references section of your binder)

Slaughterhouse Five Seminar

S5 Seminar Reflection.  See linked handout here:  Seminar Reflection Guidelines for exact prompts.  DUE: Start of class, Monday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Urban Warfare and S5 Coaching

Starter 22:
What are your perceptions of urban warfare?  How do you think it might differ from the more traditional warfare of WWI?  Think about tactics, weapons, strategy, soldier’s experience.

Siege of Stalingrad Background
  1. Part of the Eastern Front:  Germans were pushing Eastwards, and the advance needed to be stopped.
  2. On the river Volga, armies engaged.
  3. June 1941-March 1942
  4. Battle lasted 199 days, killed between 1.7 and 2 million soldiers and civilians.
Urban Warfare
  1. Show clip of Enemy at the Gates, have students add to their descriptions of urban warfare. (Scene 2, 15 minutes).  Students look for differences between WWI footage/books and what they see here.
  2. As a class, create a Venn diagram that shows the differences and similarities between this type of fighting and the type of fighting you saw in WWI.
  3. Quickly review the end of Stalingrad:  11/42, 90% of the city destroyed by Germans, Soviets circle the city and trap Germans.  2/43, Germans surrender because of winter.
Slaughterhouse Five: Coaching
In coaching this text, your group should do the following, in this order.  First discuss, then write.
1.      Go through the book chapter by chapter.  For each chapter, answer the questions below.  Try to go beyond simplistic and concrete answer—dig deep!
a.       What is the most important point Vonnegut makes about war in this chapter?
b.      What is the most important thing you learned about Billy Pilgrim in this chapter?
c.       What questions does your group still have about this chapter?
2.      For the WHOLE BOOK….
a.       What point is Vonnegut trying to make with this book?
b.      What are 3 good discussion questions for the seminar on Monday?  (write these on an index card and give them to Sara)

Slaughterhouse Five: Seminar Prewrite  
Answer the following three questions.  Answers may be typed or handwritten.  The first question may be difficult…do the best you can!
1.      Summarize the plot of the novel in one paragraph
2.      Why does the author choose to include elements of science fiction in this war novel?  What effect is this meant to have on the reader?  Why not tell the story in a more straightforward fashion?
3.      Go through the text, and find what you think are the 5 most important passages.  List the page and paragraph numbers of the passages, with a one sentence explanation of why you think it’s important.

Finish Seminar Prewrite (see above for instructions).  Have ready at the start of class- it is your ticket into seminar.  DUE: Wednesday, start of class.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Have out:

  • Computer
  • Dresden documents
  • Outline + Thesis
  • In class writing notes

In-Class Dresden Essay

  • Keep track of time
  • Use TEA paragraphs
  • QUOTE the documents
  • Cite documents in parenthesis after the quote.  "quoted text here." (Doc 3)
  • Use the last 15 minutes to proofread carefully

When you finish...
  • Email to Lori as an attachment
  • Read Slaughterhouse Five if you haven't finished it yet
  • Work quietly on homework for another class

Finish reading and annotating Slaughterhouse Five.  I will be checking your annotations tomorrow.  DUE: Start of class, Tuesday.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Dresden SAC and Outlines

Starter 22
1.      What do you think is the strongest piece of evidence you have for your assigned position right now?  Explain why you think that piece of evidence will be convincing.
2.      Does your assigned position match your real position?  Why/why not?

Dresden SAC 
The structure we will follow is below.  I will be providing exact times.  Please do not move on to the next step until I have called time!
1.      5 minutes to organize argument with partner (5 min)
2.      Yes: Opening argument (3 min)
3.      No: Repeat back main points of argument (2 min)
4.      No: Opening argument (3 min)
5.      Yes: Repeat back main points of argument (2)
6.      Open Debate (10 min)
7.      Consensus Building (10 min)
8.      Debrief (5 min)

Concessives and Thesis Statements
The handout for these is on page 24 of your class reader.
1.      Option 1: Mini-Lesson
a.    Review why we use concessives.
b.    Do some examples on the board
c.    Students do some examples in pairs
d.    Do examples solo
e.    Write thesis statement for tomorrow, get Lori to check it.
2.      Option 2: Independent Review
a.   If you are confident in your ability to use concessives correctly, take a moment to review them using the concessive handout. 
b.   Then write  a thesis statement using a concessive that answers the question, “Was the firebombing of Dresden a justifiable military decision?”

In Class Writing:  Organization Tips and Tricks
1.      5 paragraph essay—follow the formula!
a.       Intro
b.      3 body paragraphs
c.       Conclusion
2.      Intro: Who, what, when, where, why, how, thesis.
3.      Use thesis to outline your essay!
a.       Conceded argument first
b.      Emphasized argument 1
c.       Emphasized argument 2
4.      Conclusion Ideas
a.      Who cares?
b.      Recommendation for the future
c.      Connections to the present (for essays about a historical event)
d.      Final powerful image/idea/warning
e.      Final points/knock out sentences
f.       Don’t repeat anything you’ve already said.

Resources for Monday:  You may have these with you for the in class essay.
1.      Dresden Documents
2.      Thesis statement
3.      Outline
4.      Evidence gathering sheet


  1. Prepare for In Class Essay:  Get thesis statement, outline, and evidence ready.  DUE: Start of class, Monday.
  2. BRING COMPUTER TO CLASS:  All in class essays must be typed.  Make sure you have your computer and charger with you on Monday.
  3. Finish Slaughterhouse Five:  Read and annotate.  DUE: Start of class, Tuesday.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dr. Seuss and Dresden Evidence

No Starter:  Read and annotate for 30 minutes.

Dr. Seuss WWII Cartoons
(If you were absent, you will need to get the cartoons from me to complete this- I do not have them digitally).  For each cartoon (we will do #1 together as a class):

  1. Describe what you see
  2. Write in 1-2 sentences the main message of the cartoon
  3. List symbols in the cartoons, and what they represent
  4. Match with one of the following events:
    • Munich Conference
    • Non-Aggression Pact
    • Lend/Lease Act
    • Appeasement

Use the handout linked above to gather evidence for your Dresden SAC tomorrow.  Make sure you follow the directions carefully!

Finish Dresden Evidence.  DUE: Start of class tomorrow.

Descriptive Language and Dresden

Starter 20:
1.      Page 88-  How does the description of the Tralfamadorian novel connect to Vonnegut’s novel?
2.      Page 101 (paragraph 5)- Do people need lies to go on living?  Why/why not?
3.      Page 125- why would Vonnegut choose to mention himself here?  We haven’t seen him since the first paragraph, so why now?

Complete handout for activity- linked above.

Dresden 4 Corners
Agree or disagree with the following statement, and explain your reasoning: “In a war, it is okay (moral) to bomb civilian targets if it will help your country to win.”

Dresden Notes:  Overview                       
1.      Brief context of the bombing of Dresden (connect to Germany’s bombing of Britain during the Blitz- British decided to area bomb after the Blitz).
2.      Feb. 13-15, 1945
3.      Eastern Front moving in, Russia wanted help in weakening Germany
4.      650,000 incendiaries, 8000 lbs of high explosives, hundreds of 4000 lb bombs.

Dresden Document Sorting
1.      Read through each document in the Dresden Documents on pages 63-72 of your class reader.
2.      Place each document in the correct column below. 
3.      As you read, underline the parts of the document that told you where that document should be.

Yes: The bombing was justified
Neutral: Could go either way
No: The bombing was not justified

Doc. #1

4.      Check with Lori to make sure this is correct.  Homework if not complete!

HOMEWORK:  Finish sorting Dresden Documents.  DUE: Start of class, Thursday.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

WWII Map Notes and Symbolism in S5

Starter 19:
What factors make it more likely that a dictator will be able to gain and maintain power?  List qualities the dictator should have, and list qualities the society should have.

WWII Annotated Map Notes
See lecture notes linked here:  WWII Lecture Notes.
Get map annotations from a classmate if you were absent, and check with Lori to clear up any confusion.

Slaughterhouse 5 Symbolism
If absent, get symbolism notes from a classmate (or look at the lecture notes linked above- symbolism notes will be in that same document).  Then do the following:

  1. Identify 2 symbols used in S5.  Hint: Look for images, words, phrases that are used repeatedly.
  2. For each of the two symbols, answer the following in writing:
    • What does this symbol represent?  Why do you think this?
    • Why do you think the author chose this symbol to convey this idea?

Read and Annotate

Read and annotate chapter 7 of S5.  DUE: Start of class, Thursday.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Economic Context and Film Notes

Starter 18
If your country had just been humiliated and was in economic crisis, do you think you would support a dictator who promised to solve these problems?  Why/why not?

Economic Context Notes
See the economic context Powerpoint and Notes linked here.

Century Video Notes
Take notes on the following, as you watch a documentary about Hitler's rise to power.

  1. What state was Germany in after WWI (economic, political, psychological)?  Make a list of details/examples to help you remember.
  2. List at least 3 promises or goals Hitler made.
  3. List at least 5 things Hitler did to make himself an attractive leader/appeal to people.
Read and annotate chapter 6 of Slaughterhouse Five.  DUE: Start of class, Tuesday.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Slaughterhouse Five: Time Shifts


Time Shift Activities
See the handout linked above.  Choose ONE of the activities on the handout to complete in class.

S5 Reading and Annotating
When you finish, read and annotate S5.

Read and annotate chapters 4 and 5 of Slaughterhouse Five.  DUE: Start of class, Monday.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rise of Dictators

Starter 17
1. Based on chapter 2, how would you describe Billy Pilgrim?  List 5-10 words you would use.
2. Do you like Billy Pilgrim?  Why/why not?

Rise of the Dictators
Finish it and turn it in if you finish.  See linked document above for assignment details.

1. Finish Rise of the Dictators.  DUE: Start of class, Wednesday.
2. Read and annotate chapter 3 of Slaughterhouse Five.  DUE: Start of class, Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rise of the Dictators!

Starter 16

  1. What do you see here?  Pay special attention to details that might help you place this in time and space.
  2. List at least 3 questions you have about this image.
  3. What type of political ideology would have this in it's country?  Explain your answer.
Ideology Matching 
Match each of the quotes on the Ideological Quotations handout to an ideology we looked at yesterday. Underline the part of the quote that helped you figure out the ideology.

Behavior Reset
Let's talk about what I expect from you in 10th grade...

See the handout linked above for directions.  You will have 30 minutes today, and all class tomorrow to finish it.  It is NOT homework, and will be due at the end of class tomorrow.

Slaughterhouse Five
Discussion or freewrite about chapter 1 of Slaughterhouse Five.

Read and annotate chapter 2 of Slaughterhouse Five.  DUE: Start of class, Wednesday.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Political Ideologies and Slaughterhouse Five

Starter 15
Prediction:  In WWII, which two countries...

  • Had the most military deaths?  Explain.
  • Had the most civilian deaths?  Explain.
  • Had the most total deaths (civilian + military)?  Explain.
Compare:  Look at the actual WWI Death Statistics.
  • Which of your answers was closest to reality?
  • Which of your answers was furthest away?
  • What stands out to you about these statistics and numbers?

Political Ideologies Grid
1.       Students work in pairs to define each type of political ideology. 
2.       Make sure to check the board for clarifications of socialism vs. communism, and facism/totalitarianism/Nazism.
3.       Use simple.wikipedia.org for solid but easy to understand definitions.
a.       Communism
b.      Socialism
c.       Totalitarianism
d.      Fascism
e.      Nazism
f.        Capitalism
g.       Democracy
4.       Create symbols for each ideology, then describe why it’s a good symbol for that government (apply the definitions). 
5.       Symbols can be ones you’ve seen used, or an original creation.  The layout should look something like the one below (I've filled in Communism to get you started):

Ideology and Definition
·         No Social Classes
·         People in a society own the means of producing food, etc.
·         No private property
·         Never actually existed

Hammer and Sickle  (you should actually draw the symbol)
Explain Symbol
Hammer stands for workers, Sickle stands for farmers.  Used as the flag for USSR.
Slaughterhouse Five
  • Receive your new book!
  • Read and annotate chapter 1.  Yes, it's weird.  Go with it!

Seminar Reflection Work Time
If you finish chapter one, work on proofreading or finishing your seminar reflection.  If you're already done, read ahead in S5!

Finish and proofread your Seminar Reflection.  It MUST be TYPED.  You can turn it in via email, or you can print a hard copy.  DUE: Start of class, TUESDAY.