Thursday, April 9, 2015

Whole Class Critique

Starter 16
  1. In the upcoming critiques, what questions or issues do you really want people to address in your poem?  (List at least 3)
  2. If you had to describe each of the 2 poems you critiqued in 1-2 sentences, how would you describe them?
  1. Kinetic Text:  Now is the time to get Adobe AfterEffects trial on your computer if you’re interested in this option!
  1. Whole class in large circle
  2. Author offers focusing question and reads poem out loud to the group. (1-4 min)
  3. Group Feedback
    • What’s memorable, piercing, or true about this piece of writing?  (6-8 min)
    • What improvements could be made to this to make it even better?  (6-8 min)
  4. Authors respond: what was helpful, what do they need to work on.  (2 min)
Total critique time per person:  15-20 min.

Critique Norms
  1. Be prepared
  2. Everyone participates and speaks
  3. Take intellectual risks—go deep!
  4. Stick to the times
  5. Be specific and helpful
  6. Be open to new ideas; avoid being defensive
Revise poem!: Play with complete sentences.

Critique 2 poems for the people from your group:  Critique Instructions
  1. Grant and Max
  2. Emily and Camryn M.
  3. Mikayla and Brynn
  4. David and Coleman
  5. Kyla and Izzy
  6. Michaelan and Brenden

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