Wednesday, March 30, 2011

SLC Critiques and Poem Analysis

SLC Critiques

  1. Gather all evidence, set up a computer at each table
  2. Practice your SLC for a group, receive feedback on your strengths and areas for improvements
  3. Repeat until everyone in your group has done a full practice
Starter 10
  1. Go to one of the following pages with illuminated text: The Tyger, or Rosetti's Sonnet
  2. What is the message or perspective of this poem?
  3. What connections do you see between the artwork and the text?
  4. How does the art affect you as a reader?
Poetry Analysis
Time to work on the written analysis of your recitation poem.  Remember, this analysis should be 3 paragraphs, typed, and should QUOTE the poem to back up what you are saying.  In your analysis, you should answer the following questions:
  1. What is this poem trying to communicate?  In other words, what is the unique perspective this poet is offering? (1 paragraph)
  2. How does the poet develop/change the message throughout the poem?  (2 paragraphs)  (HINT: In this section you will likely want to spend time talking about specific techniques the poet uses, and what makes their style unique.)

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