Look at the linked Civilian Participation Graph. This graph shows the rates of participation in killing for different groups in Rwanda.
- List two trends or details that stand out to you about this graph.
- For each trend or detail, provide a possible explanation for why it happened this way.
Deogratias Intro
Tips for reading a graphic novel:
- Boxes on a page are called frames
- Frames between the spaces are called gutters
- Read left to right, then top to bottom
- Pictures and text are equally important
Time shifts = Change in Deogratias' appearance. Frames have no borders in the past, black borders in the present.
Deogratias: Reading and Characters
Read the book. Yes, all of it. Then make a character list. For each character, you should have:
- Name
- Nationality (Rwandan, American, Belgian, French, US...)
- Gender (Male or Female)
- Ethnicity (Hutu, Tutsi, Twa, Caucasian...)
You should have at least 10 characters in your list.
We Wish to Inform You...
Answer comprehension questions. The questions on the WWtIY handout. Type your responses, have them ready to turn in on Monday.
If you are really struggling to comprehend at this point, you may use the modified version linked here to help you understand the language in the main article. WWtIY: Modified Version.
- WWtIY: Part 3. Type answers to all comprehension questions. Email to Lori, or print. DUE: Start of class, Monday.
- Deogratias: Read the whole book. Create character list (see above for details). DUE: Start of class, Monday.