Starter 8: Q5, Q6: What is the message? To what degree do you think this message is correct? Why?
Deogratias Characters: Make a list of all characters. For each, include their name, gender, nationality, and ethnicity.
Dogs Reading: Read handout, then answer the following. What does this tell you about how doges are viewed in Rwanda? What new insight odes this give you into Deogratias' character?
Deogratias Seminar Prewrite: Choose TWO of the following questions, then answer them in complete paragraphs.
- What makes Deogratias so crazy? Think about what he does, and what is done to him.
- What is the significance of Deogratias turning into a dog?
- Who is the person in this book with the most guilt? In other words, who is the most responsible for what happened to Venetia, Benina, Apollinaria, and Deogratias?
- What is this book trying to say about genocide, and what it does to people?
- How does this message of this book apply to your own life?
Imperialism Essay: Finish outline for essay. You will have 60 minutes in class tomorrow to work on this essay, and then until Friday to get me the final draft.
HW: Finish Imperialism Essay Outline (Due Tuesday, 11/2).
DUE: Deogratias completely read, 3 questions.